Need your good thoughts/prayers - Parker is in trouble

Great to hear that Parker is are doing very well with the meds and it sounds as though you are handling the toweling very glad to hear he is home
omg i havent been on here in days..this is the first link i clicked and i was really really worried from reading the title! :'( im so glad your boy is ok and i hope he comes around fine with no residual issues! ill be thinking of you two and hoping everything turns out for the best..come on parker you can push out all that bad stuff! best of luck and sincerely wishing for a positive outcome!! :D
I'm so glad he is home.

I keep a few bottles of Toxiban in the house at all times because Logan is always getting into SOMETHING. SO terrifying 😟
Boy he's rough. I'm pretty concerned. He just wants to sleep, won't eat much, is so weak, and his poop is an unhealthy shade of forest green. Doing what I can be he's definitely worse than when we brought him to the vets.
I definitely think you may want to at least call the vet back. However, could it be possible he feels yucky because of the mix of stress and the medication he's on? I mean we sometimes feel more like crap because of medication than what it's supposed to fix.

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I would check with the vet Chris and let him know how poorly Parker is and I would also send him the video you posted on the other thread...I think the vet needs to see that...I send my vet videos of Mr Biggles reaction to meds and also if hes unwell and we have to go in for a health check ...the video speaks a multitude to the vet as he sees the bird in their own environment and this can help in the diagnosis. Praying Parker will start to get stronger soon and get well soon
Yes, Aquila, let's hope he just crunched it!

The Rickedybird once grabbed an aspirin off the floor... I hadn't had aspirin in years... thinking a visitor must have dropped it. I suddenly just spotted it in his beak! Anyway, I chased that bird back and forth and finally got it away from him. Uncrunched.

Hang in there, Chris!!!!!!!
Coming into this late in the day.....positive healing energy for both Parker AND you!
Chris, I can't believe I missed this thread! I'm so glad that Parker's blood work came back good, but a worried how he is doing now? Is he looking any better since your last post?
Thanks all, this support is really making the difference. We're seeing more progress, though progress in his case is measured in small baby steps rather than than big leaps and bounds. Poop isn't so watery, so I'm not as worried about hydration.

Strength is coming back a tiny bit more. he attempted to reach down into his water bowl to dunk a nut for the first time (he hasn't reached down for anything lately. Have to hand it to him). He didn't make it and I had to hold the water bowl for him, but the fact that he tried is huge. He's perching a bit stronger, moving a bit more confidently from hand to perch. But you do still see a wobble every now and then.

He's eating more, likely got a full crop for the first time in days. Got a bunch of beak grinds when it was over :) First time for that as well. Feeding is still an hour long process though. Corn by corn, noodle by noodle. But he's gulping them up.
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Chris, that is great news! It truly sounds like he is making progress, due in no small part to the wonderful care you are giving him.
Well Done Chris you are taking wonderful care of him Chris and he is responding by getting better ...keep it up Parker and get fully well soon
im so glad he is making improvements! YAAAAYYY PARKER you can do it! :D :D
So nice to see incremental progress. Before long Parker should be back to his lovable self!
Glad to hear Parker is making progress, Chris! It must be a relief to see him eating until his crop is full. Parker is so fortunate to have such a caring parront.
Thank you Allee. My concern is he is plateauing right now. Stil always wanting to sleep, still not completely eating his fill (only filled his crop once). I can only imagine it means his throat/crop is still soar from his crop wash. But it's been a few days now. So I'm a little concerned. But at least he's eating something. That's the most important right now.
Keep a close eye on him Chris, but if he's not getting worse again, he is still probably sore and upset from the medication.

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This has been a mental recovery for ME for sure. Frustration that the slow recovery doesn't make sense to me unless there is some sort of GI distress with the crop wash.

Oh so slight improvement today. He's leaning over for his food with more consistency. And a little more life coming from his stand: more beak grinds, some cooing sounds, and slight movement. I'm still distressed at his minimal food intake, but like before he is in fact eating SOMETHING off and on throughout the day. 2/3 less than his normal intake but its something. He just got pomegranates for the first time this season and he showed inclination to shred a bit with that along with eating it.

Boy I can't wait for this to be over.

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