Need to rehome Blue and Gold Mccaw in Texas

I live north of Dallas. Is he friendly?

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For 99% of parrots, "friendly" depends on who the person is. Noodles (an umbrella cockatoo) is super friendly to me, and if I am around, she is interested and excited/tolerant about/of new people, but she isn't going to step up for everyone (unless she knows them or likes them) and even then, I would say that there is a 50-50% chance that within 24 hours of acting friendly, she might bite them **again, unless she really knows them** or unless I supervise very closely. If no one she is bonded with is around, her behavior and trust of other is less (unless that person is just so confident and knows cockatoos really well). She acts super friendly with some people all the time, but with others, she will often act sweet and let them pet her/hold her and then, out of the blue, she bites---It's almost like an initiation or game with her for new people...Short term, visitors don't see that side of her, but when someone stays for more than a day or so, she will usually bite them at some point while allowing them to hold her. They can always tell if someone is nervous...

Noodles knew how to step up when I got her and wouldn't for the first 3 months...So again, "friendly" is a very fluid term that doesn't necessarily apply to parrots in the same way that it would to a dog or cat.

I've not met any adult parrot who is genuinely cool with everyone in any situation.
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I live north of Dallas. Is he friendly?

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For 99% of parrots, "friendly" depends on who the person is. Noodles is super friendly to me, and if I am around, she is interested and excited/tolerant about/of new people, but she isn't going to step up for everyone (unless she knows them or likes them) and even then, I would say that there is a 50-50% chance that within 24 hours of acting friendly, she might bite them **again, unless she really knows them** or unless I supervise very closely. If no one she is bonded with is around, her behavior and trust of other is less (unless that person is just so confident and knows cockatoos really well). She acts super friendly with some people all the time, but with others, she will often act sweet and let them pet her/hold her and then, out of the blue, she bites---It's almost like an initiation or game with her for new people...Short term, visitors don't see that side of her, but when someone stays for more than a day or so, she will usually bite them at some point while allowing them to hold her. They can always tell if someone is nervous...

Noodles knew how to step up when I got her and wouldn't for the first 3 months...So again, "friendly" is a very fluid term that doesn't necessarily apply to parrots in the same way that it would to a dog or cat.

Sounds like a typical bird lol I only have had conures so I didn’t know if there was a big difference between small and large bird personalities. They’re all different though as you said. My two green cheeks are totally different. My fiancé said no more birds [emoji19] good luck finding a great family [emoji3590]

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is she still available
Matt, Do you still have your Dad’s B & G? If so, I’d be very interested.

I would like to adopt. I live in Irving, TX. I am not breeder/flipper. Since you are from Dallas, you can inspect my home.
Hello, my father's health has gotten worse and it's getting harder for him to care for her properly. It's a blue and gold and it's name is Peaches. Located in the Dallas, Texas area. My father would like $500 as a rehoming fee. Feel free to message me or reach out to me with any questions.


Let me see if I can get pictures to post here:

Are you still looking to rehome
I know this is a long shot, but any chance peaches is still available? I am looking for a b&g and would love to help regime one instead of going to a breeder. I see it’s been a long time since you first posted, but I didn’t see any posts about you actually finding a home. I’d love to get in contact if you’re still looking. My family and I are experienced pet/bird owners, and would be a loving forever home for Peaches.

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