I have a three or so old African grey that up untill things went sour with the ex wife was easy to take in and out of the cage and so forth. Now its I can't touch him till he decides he is done flying around the house and lands somewhere other then his cage. Then with in that last week or so he has become very violent towards me. Like this morning I was filling his feed bowl and he crossed that cage to see what I was doing. Well I went for a sunflower seed and he tried to attack my hand that was on the out side of the cage. I really don't understand the change in him other then I recently moved in with a friend because I am selling my house. He is fine with her. He does not lash out at her. He will tip his head and she can pet it but then he turns and grabs her finger, not hard though. He will even try and step up on her finger if it is through the cage. I come by and he tries to attack me. Any thoughts, tips, tricks, training advise for me? Even if it is buy the videos by chet womach I will accept that as well. My bird is a blast. The stuff he says and sings is great I just want to be able to take him out of the cage and handle him on my terms not his.