Need Positive-Energy For Bowie...Again...

I am so sorry this happened:( I know he is in wonderful hands and will make a full recovery. I can't help but laugh at his "woe is me" act.
YAY, Team Bowie!

Could we pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease see a picture of him in his woebegone self? How's that beakie looking?
Yeah, I think I will post a photo of his beak so that everyone can see why you can't leave your birds together unsupervised, even if they get along!!! Even though I didn't know that I had left Bowie's cage door opened (I just totally flaked), it's still a good lesson as to what can happen...I'm putting them to bed right now, I think I'll snap a photo...IT'S UGLY! Fair warning...Although, when I did a Google search for "Green Cheek's beak bitten by another bird", the photos that I saw made me feel a lot better about Bowie...Poor babies missing their entire upper and/or lower beaks!!!
Update on Bowie:

He's doing well, right now he's taking a bath and is much happier, I wouldn't let him take one until the wound on the inside of beak heals...He goes on Tuesday to get the first acrylic put into his beak, but has to go back the following week to do it again...It has to be done in steps where it is put in one area, it's allowed to fully-set, and then they do the next area, because of how it looks like a big puncture hole with "spidering" around it, so he did it right...But he's going to be okay I think.

I noticed for the first time yesterday that he was having some trouble eating his pellets. His beak is badly bruised, but it wasn't bothering him at all as far as climbing or using it to eat...But yesterday he was frustrated while eating. I sat and watched him and he would pick up a pellet and put it down, pick it up and put it down, hold it in his foot and then try to bite it and put it down, etc. No problem eating seeds, veggies, fruit, etc., but no pellets...So I took a handful of pellets and used a mortar and pestle to crush them up into tiny little bits, and then put them in his dish without anything else in it, and he went to town and ate a large portion of them...So he's obviously still having a lot of pain when he uses the beak. I didn't realize how badly bruised it was until yesterday, it's bad! Poor little guy...and now Dylan the Dove has some weird thing going on with his feet and never ends...
Just do an entire series before and after picts?

So next year or so you can sit back and sigh "oh my, that silly bird....glad he does not look like that any more".
Just do an entire series before and after picts?

So next year or so you can sit back and sigh "oh my, that silly bird....glad he does not look like that any more".

Yeah, it is definitely bothering me a lot more than it's bothering him, that's for sure...The same thing happened when Kane got his foot stuck in the bars of his first cage (dometop, never again) and he chewed off the end of his toe. I was a total wreck, and when we got home from the Vet after he cleaned it up and sutured the stub shut, he was like "What, what's the big deal?"...So as long as Bowie is okay with it, I'm trying to remain calm about it...It just looks so bad!!! One side is cracked really badly, and the other side has a round hole in it with dried blood inside of it...But it's not the actual damage that is bothering him, it's the residual-bruising that popped-up afterwards...His entire beak is visually bruised, and I think it finally is causing him some pain..

Poor little guy, as soon as I crushed up the pellets for him he just wolfed them down...
Awww. Sometimes the swelling and bruises are worse later..still on pain meds? Hope gets better quick.
As usual... you saw one of your animals had a problem, you stepped in and fixed it for him...

EllenD Pelletcrusher Extraordinaire :)

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