Need info on a Chinese Laughing Thrush

64 miles on a bike is very doable :-) I rode my first metric century last August at Hotter N Hell in Wichita Falls. My partner rode the century (which is 100 miles) You work up to it. I had been riding about 6 months when I did that.
64 miles on a bike is very doable :-) I rode my first metric century last August at Hotter N Hell in Wichita Falls. My partner rode the century (which is 100 miles) You work up to it. I had been riding about 6 months when I did that.

I find that inspiring! I can't imagine being in that good a shape. Very amazing and y'all should be very proud of that!
64 miles on a bike is very doable :-) I rode my first metric century last August at Hotter N Hell in Wichita Falls. My partner rode the century (which is 100 miles) You work up to it. I had been riding about 6 months when I did that.

I find that inspiring! I can't imagine being in that good a shape. Very amazing and y'all should be very proud of that!

Thank you!

I used biking to help me lose about 60lbs. Surprisingly, there's lots of bikers out there like me (a little chunky :-)
I'm not sure what you use in hummingbird feeders, if it helps, it's similar to what you'd feed a lorikeet.

And beef should be a fine substitute for kangaroo :)
Lory nectar it is....doesn't that make them hyper???

Here is something you can read about laughingthrushes. The document includes their diet and many other useful info.

I talked to my friend who has laughingthrush last night. He feeds them mealworms, crickets, grasshoppers, caterpillars, earthworms, and beef. He usually chops up the live food and mixes them with crushed toucan pellets. They must have low iron diet like toucans. Although, toucan is more prone to hemochromatosis (iron disease) then laughingthrush. He sprays the crushed pellets with small amount of water to let it mixed better with the chopped insects. You have to throw out the leftover each day. But don't worry, laughingthrush eat a lot, there won't be any left over! Feeding them live food is time consuming for they don't peck the food from your hand. Live food is hard to keep in the cage as you already can figure out why.

Laughingthrushes are melodious birds. People keep them for their melody, not for their looks. Getting a captived laughingthrush to sing is not easy if you don't raise them right. They must have lots of proteins (from insects) and get lots of sunlight to sing. They don't do well keeping indoor at all time. The cage must be kept outdoor as much as possible. Give them access to sunlight with a shade so they can hide when it gets too hot. Male and female must be housed separately! Male will kill female if kept together in the same enclosure. Male and female look the same and can only be DNA-sexed. Experts can sex laughingthrush base on their melodies. Male has more variety of melodies than female. And male sing continuously when he starts. Female usually repeat the same melody in interval of 3 then pause. Again, getting them to sing is not easy. They sing only when they are outdoor. Male sings longer if he sees a female nearby. Don't leave a male nearby a female for too long, or he will sing until he looses his voice. Keep them in separate cages with a curtain in between so they don't see each other all the time.

Good luck with your laughingthrush.:)
64 miles on a bike is very doable :-) I rode my first metric century last August at Hotter N Hell in Wichita Falls. My partner rode the century (which is 100 miles) You work up to it. I had been riding about 6 months when I did that.

I find that inspiring! I can't imagine being in that good a shape. Very amazing and y'all should be very proud of that!

Thank you!

I used biking to help me lose about 60lbs. Surprisingly, there's lots of bikers out there like me (a little chunky :-)

64 miles is not difficult if you're doing it regularly. You build yourself up to it; start with 10 miles per trip. We usually do the 64-mile trip to the beach twice a month. We ride non-stop for 32 miles, stop for a foot long Subway sanwitch, then ride back non-stop. The whole trip usually takes 5 hours. My coworker usually do 70 miles every weekend. Normally on the weekends, I just do the 22-mile trip up the mountain and back. I have to do it to keep my heart in shape. I also ride to work 2 days/week. But work is only 4 miles away tho.
Thank you so much for all the great information! You really went out of your way to gather that for me and I so appreciate it:) I am reading the info from the link you sent now. I feel I can give my new girl a good start now with all the help you have given me. Thank you again!!!
You're certainly welcome. I got all of those info from my friend - not from the written document. The pfd is kind of lenghthy as they covered many different species of laughingthrushes. I didn't read the whole thing.

My friend said the funny thing about laughingthrushes is that the male sings his lungs out to get the female to allow him to mate. After a split second of mating, the male wants to get far away from that female to search for another female. That's what he does all day. So he needs a lot of high protein food. If you cage the male in the same space as the female that he already won over, he will peck her to death.
That's what it was saying in that link you sent also said that if the male and female are in different cages but he can see her, that he will sing until he loses his voice! Such interesting info! I am only getting a female, so will be safe from that:)
Please thank your friend for me for all the info!
1.5, not that I'm We are waiting for the guy to get off work. Sheesh, doesn't he know I want my girl to come home?
I will post pics as soon as we get her settled. We were worried about bar spacing so put up a mesh all around the cage she is going in til we can build one, and that cage is officially the ugliest thing ever. So when you see pics, please try to ignore it:)
Post pictures please!!!!! I'm waiting to see it.....
Post pictures please!!!!! I'm waiting to see it.....

Finally got some pics up this morning...she is wonderful and I will know I've done well by her when she is happy enough to sing:)

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