Need help with Timneh African Grey

just be careful, I'll get you when "mom"s not looking ... :18:
HAHAHAHA, you're joining the instigation crew now! Ooohh, imagine how good we can get Tex if we combine our forces... :smile039: :smile039:
The pic is cute, but cheesy ... really, for a truer representation of "me" it should be a picture of a super cool guy shooting a can of Spam with some sort of automatic heavy weaponry ... that would be more accurate ... well, it was until Black_Nova (our fearless leader) put all these super-cool security features into the forum so now there is almost no spam ... my nickname is kinda obsolete now ... :(
Hey, Tex, um...come back to earth. That was a PERFECT representation of are NOT a heavy duty automatic weaponry kind of guy...sorry. You're just a man in a spam suit...and now it doesn't even make sense.
Oh, but I am! You only think you know me ...
:D :D Oh gals, I'm sorry but as you are all ganging up on our Poor Tex, I feel kinda sorry for him,

Don't worry Tex, I'll help ya out,

Think what we could get up to if we COMBINE OUR FORCES :D :D and POWERS *gives evil kinda laugh*
Hi, this post is very informative; however I would like some specific information. If someone can help me then please send me a private message. Best Regards,
Don't worry Tex, I'll help ya out ... we COMBINE OUR FORCES :D :D and POWERS *gives evil kinda laugh*

So here is a question, should we combine our forces on the post below mine ... is this spam?!

~ :50:
That looks like Spam to me...I think they want to see the combined forces:p and sry if it isnt but look at the name and i have always noticed with spam they always add extra websites and "best regards"
HERES MINE!!!!!!!!
It would help if he said WHAT information he wanted!!!! jeez!

(talking about the spam... person by the way lol)

and also look at the name! its all weird! spammers always have weird user names like that!
The pic is cute, but cheesy ... really, for a truer representation of "me" it should be a picture of a super cool guy shooting a can of Spam with some sort of automatic heavy weaponry ... that would be more accurate ... well, it was until Black_Nova (our fearless leader) put all these super-cool security features into the forum so now there is almost no spam ... my nickname is kinda obsolete now ... :(

excuse me have you taken a look on your threads lately! i dont know what it is about you but they keep going to YOUR threads.
I have sent a PM to see if they could post about what info they wanted. :confused:
Interesting how some previous posts on this thread referenced SPAM, getting the unmistakable whiff of it here!

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