Need help settling Macaw


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Feb 15, 2025
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Hi everyone, I came across this forum while looking for some help. I have got 13 weeks old blue and gold macaw yesterday from breeder. I met her before 2 times but she seems completely different now. The breeder handed her over in really small hard carrier and she was screening and anxious. We quickly got home release her in her cage but she is completely stranger to us. We try and talk to her offer her food and help her settle in. She tries to get out of cage, does not let us pat her. She actually bit my husband while getting her out of carrier. But hardest part is she gets really restless goes around cage for nearly an hour before she starts crying. First night she did not sleep and tonight she is crying. We got no help from breeder regarding her schedules likes or dislikes except asked us to cover her cage which she does not like at all. Just wondering if any of you experienced owners has any tips for us.
Thank you.
I have been the parront to my my macaw for 50 years, so it is difficult to remember the very early days. I will say, however, that, IME, birds accept change at a glacial pace! You cannot expect change in a day, week, month or even year. Patience must be your mantra.

In 50 years, my bird has “cried” twice. “Crying” in our case was a very soft, repeated croaking sound that would not stop. Such a sad sound! 😢 The first time was the day I brought him home (wild-caught adult) and the second time was 22 years later when we moved from Washington, DC to Boston and we had to overnight in a hotel in Connecticut. He was so upset that he had to sleep on top of me to calm him down (do not recommend, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do when the luggage rack perch in a strange hotel room is not cutting it! 🥴). “Crying” was such unusual behavior that those 2 episodes are seared in my memory. I hope he never has reason to “cry” again!

You have had your bird one day. Do not expect anything and be delighted when you get something. 😜

Enjoy your new baby! If you are fortunate like me, you are in for a lifetime of joy.
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Hi everyone, I came across this forum while looking for some help. I have got 13 weeks old blue and gold macaw yesterday from breeder. I met her before 2 times but she seems completely different now. The breeder handed her over in really small hard carrier and she was screening and anxious. We quickly got home release her in her cage but she is completely stranger to us. We try and talk to her offer her food and help her settle in. She tries to get out of cage, does not let us pat her. She actually bit my husband while getting her out of carrier. But hardest part is she gets really restless goes around cage for nearly an hour before she starts crying. First night she did not sleep and tonight she is crying. We got no help from breeder regarding her schedules likes or dislikes except asked us to cover her cage which she does not like at all. Just wondering if any of you experienced owners has any tips for us.
Thank you.
Is your macaw weaned? 13 weeks old is very young for a macaw. I wish people wouldn't sell birds that young. Your breeder should be helping you.
Double check the age. 13 wk is still a baby. That's barely old enough to be independently feeding. Breeder should be offering help and advice. If possible go to an avian vet. If your baby is that young, vet may recommend supplemental feeding advice. Consider not using a large cage. Use a travel cage so baby can feel cozy and safe. At random times during the day, place in large cage for short periods. The breeders of my CAG, turned her into a snuggle bunny. I was instructed to wrap her up and croon to her several times a day. And use travel carrier for extra mental security. Putting her in large cage randomly and watch behavior. It took a few weeks for her to accept large cage. I was also given their bady chop recipe w instructions to feed it barely warm to touch. She still prefers her chop sl warm. They seriously had her on the road to being a SSP; seriously spoiled parrot! At just under 4 months she was saying softly; mas mama, kissey, and a few more phrases. It upsets me that there appears to be more avian versions of puppy mills.
My hand fed baby budgies were not eating independently until 12 weeks old. A baby macaw wouldn't be expected to be weaned until at least 16 weeks, probably 20 weeks. They are not independent from their parents until a year old.
My hand fed baby budgies were not eating independently until 12 weeks old. A baby macaw wouldn't be expected to be weaned until at least 16 weeks, probably 20 weeks. They are not independent from their parents until a year old.
It's the age in addition to 'being weaned'. 13 wks is very young for a macaw. Look online and you'll find 18 or more weeks as weaning age for macaws. There's the emotional aspect as well personality and independence beginning. Your macaw is a scared baby.
You have changed this baby's entire world. Be patient!!!
Weaning a baby bird is a process that takes weeks, sometimes months. It should never be rushed for any reason, epecially, and including to sell the bird.

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