Need help placement for cage

Oct 19, 2024
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sun conure!
Hi everyone! I need some advice! Im planning to redo my room, the cage my bird has Is prettyyyy big and it takes up a LOT of space. (I'm not moving it out of my room) I read putting bird cages near windows is bad but then I read a few other things where it was okay. I have a window that could work she wouldn't be exactly fully up the window only half her cage and the window doesn't have any light at all. What do you guys think?
The biggest issue with windows are drafts. I'm in the northeast US and it's cold in the winter. Modern windows are pretty good at sealing and insulating from drafts, but nothing is perfect. Other possiblity is having the birds stuck in direct sunlight with no shade or ability to be away from it. Sunshine is great but not if they can't self regulate their temperature by removing themselves from it when they need.
My vet before retirement many decades ago gave me this advice. Plan or adding or relocating a feathered friend? Look at location you want. Thumb tack a light weight string from ceiling at area, and place a tea candle mid way down and near floor, light. Turn on fans, heat or air at your norms. Watch for drafts, make plans. Inexpensive and easy to do. Oddly enough with my first apartment there were very few drafts in corner near my large patio doors. It is a pain relocating a large cage. Best of luck.
My house is like a prison there is NO light only in like 2 windows for like 1 hour of the day lol the window I would put her on in the 4 years iv lived here I haven't seen light there once and I'm getting my windows sealed so no air will come in!:D her cage wouldn't be fully by the window only a little bit less then half
We recently found a new cage for our new bird, a Sun Conure like yours. She was in a small cage, but seemed to be well loved. Her owners downsized to a studio apartment and I was given this opportunity to purchase this beautiful bird. Since we recently went through all of the thinking and planning of the space, I wanted to share some of the ideas in hopes it may help you or anybody else. I did find useful info here in the forum myself.

My Sun Conure's new cage is now propped up a bit higher as it is sitting in a window seat. She enjoys this "high perch" which provides a good view over everything all-around. Height makes cleaning quick and easy for me, no bending or reaching! Perches/branches of varying widths and interesting toys are arranged to encourage exercise while moving around to (6) small feeders in all corners which are filled daily with food, water & treats. The window is never opened, so no drafts. A digitally controlled heater is placed just feet away and lower than the cage. The north facing window prevents direct sunlight and a vertical window blind controls light even further. This setup is a good combination that pleases everybody!
sorry for being gone for a while, I ended up moving her next to the window and its perfect! No sunlight or drafts! Shes been doing great I think its a much better spot for her since I can add more things on top of her cage! Thanks for all of your help<33!!

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