Need help for Yellow Nape ASAP


New member
Feb 7, 2013
My 40 y.o. yellow nape has been in Birdy ICU at the avian vet for the past week and they have finally identified she has a GI block. They had to wait to get X-rays for a few days because when they gave her anesthesia on the first attempt her heart stopped. I do not know what to do. Should I just make her comfortable or do I have other options ? They have been tube feeding her all week twice a day and she is bringing up roughly 1/2 everyday.

Kinda at a loss...
As long as she is with a vet that you know & trust, all you can do is wait & pray. I would trust my vet with my own life, so, I'd trust her care. We're all praying for you, and hope everything works out. Stay strong & think positive.
I know they have a drug that can stimulate the digestive system to start moving if it is stagnant. It's hard to make suggestions without knowing the cause. Is it fully blocked, or just some? What tests have they run so far?

Could they X ray her without the anesthesia? Maybe if you were there?

My mom went to the hospital last year for a GI block, and it turned out to be some sort of intestinal spasm. After about 3 days, it corrected itself.

I hope she feels better soon. <3
Oh , how i feel for you, I can so see myself right where you're at. I'm sure you have a good vet and who's doing everything he can. Not in older birds but in younger birds , i;ve given them a cellulose enzieme mixed with pedilite.I'm not sure what's causing the impaction but this mix seems to dissolve most. Keep her hydrated.
I hope the best for your Amazon!!!! We'll be keep both of you in our prayers!!!
In my thoughts and prayers
Oh I am so sorry you and your bird are having to go though that. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hopefully the vet will be able to treat the problem

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