Need Advice


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May 8, 2013
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I've loved birds all my life. I can't even begin to describe how much time and effort I've put into researching them. I always imagined owning one, and today I fell in love at a pet store. He's a red headed Conure and we immediately bonded. He crawled up my arm and perched on my shoulder before making his way to the top of my head where he proceeded to groom me. He even let me kiss his little beak and refused to let my mother hold him. The store manager happened to walk by and told us that the bird wasn't the most sociable and she had never seen him act that way before. My heart was set.

I am a young adult and am currently searching for a job. I have a lot of time on my hands and believe I'm ready for the commitment involved in owning a bird. I'm only capable of working part time due to my health. However, I'm a little hesitant. I'm worried that the bond I felt might not be as strong as I thought it was. What if I walk back into the pet store and he's loving on someone else the same way he did with me? I don't want to believe I imagined it all. What should I do? When picking a bird, do these things matter?

My apologies if this is posted in the wrong part of the forum. Thanks!
I think I know what you mean. I don't think it matters if he displayed the same affection to somebody else. If anything, it is a good sign of a well socialized bird. The fact that he was very warm and friendly to you is already a good start to a possibly great companionship.

The initial meeting may have an effect but the way your bond forms and the way he is handled in your home has the biggest impact.
PS. Are you an FF fan?
First, welcome to the forum and congrats for asking before jumping into the unknown.....

Whether your new found (possible) friend is interacting with someone else when you return, if you are really interested, go back & see if cherry-head is what you really want and if so, go ahead & get it or put a deposit down.....

One mistake we all usually make with new birds (when we are new to being a bird slave) is giving the new feathered friend too much attention, then when schedules/time allotments change, we find ourselves with an anxious/upset bird when its routine/human interaction changes.....instead of foisting a lot of attention on it, it is often wise to pull back a little, however, beginning a training regimen is wise, as soon as you bring your new friend home.....there is what's referred to as a honeymoon period, when the bird is all nice, cuddly & friendly while it is getting used to its new surroundings, but once it starts testing its boundaries, things often change a bit...but...if their training is started during this 'honeymoon' period new parronts are normally ahead of the up on parrot honeymoon periods & clicker training and you'll have a good start...also there are some good clicker training videos on youtube.....

Good luck.....
We often say that the bird picks us, we do not pick them!
This has been so helpful. I think that regardless of how he may bond with others, as long as he's friendly, he would make a wonderful pet. As for the honeymoon period, I think I understand. Once your bird gets settled, its natural for him to test you and see what lengths you'll go to please him. Fortunately I have experience with spoiled pets -.- I think I know how to handle him. The only other thing that's been bothering me is how expensive he is. $500 and that doesn't include the cage and everything else he will need. Finding a good job is my solution to the problem, but the pet store said that they are willing negotiatr pricing, but I'm not sure if that applies to haggling or matching another store's pricing. I'd love to be able to save some money here.

(And yes, I love ff ;) I grew up with the 2d versions, but I'm partial to IX. The later series are good, too.)
Make an offer you think is fair & see if they'll work with you on payments.....they should, given that they'd have the bird until it was paid off.....
Welcome to the forum!!! When a bird chooses you from the very beginning like that, it's hard to compare to that bond. Usually if they're loving on someone else, if he likes you enough, he will leave that person to come to you right away. That's been my experience when a bird chooses me. Just see if they would work with your offer and go from there, best of luck to you!!!
A red headed conure is not one species, but a "complex" of species... often involving cherry heads (aka red masked), mitreds (and subspecies), waglers (aka red fronted aka scarlet fronted - and subspecies), finsch's, white eyed conures (and subspecies), red throated conures, etc.

I agree, if he's friendly with other people too, that's great! It's better to have a well socialized parrot than a parrot that is unsocialized. Socialized parrots tend to take to new situations and people better.

$500 is an ok price for a pet store bird. I have heard that they sell for $600-$800 in other places and from breeders is usually around the $300-$600 price.

I'm a bit of a red head fanatic, so I'd say to go for it! Got my first one (a cherry head) when I was 13 and had him for a little over 8 years. He was an older bird to begin with, and had health problems with a not so great past. My second red headed conure (a mitred) I adopted when I was 18 (a little over 3 years before Noel, cherry head had passed away). I still have Charlie ("my-turd") and besides his beak, has no health problems and I've had him for nearly as long as I had Noel for.

In all honesty though, you need to make sure you are ready for this. Will the store allow you to make payments? Or put him on hold for you until you can get a cage setup (a good cage will set you back $150-$300 unless you get a used to cage, $50-$300), toys ($60-$200), perches, etc.

Talk to them! Find out what they are willing to do for you!
Thank you all for the warm welcomes. Hopefully all goes well and the pet store will work with me. I see no reason for them not to, seeing as how they're making a profit either way. As for the Conure that stole my heart, he is a cherry headed Conure. I adore his green feathers. The pattern almost reminds me of one of those 3d photos that tend to make you dizzy.

As for being ready, I'll need to purchase all his necessities first before he's ready to move in. Unless you meant being mentally prepared. I think I'm good in that area now. Wish me luck ;)
See if you maybe can put a deposit down so no one else will get him while you get his cage and supplies together.
It's good they're willing to negotiate....they will especially go way down on price if you buy some supplies there. I would offer 250.00 and see where it goes from there, you have nothing to lose! Good luck!
Curious to know how old this little cherry head is!

Cherry heads are born completely green (unless hybridized) and don't start to 'color up' until their first 'adult' molt. If he already has red, then I would guess him to be 6+ months old.
I'm not sure how old he is. I'll have to ask. But he's already hand tamed and likes to chatter. I plan on taking some pictures when I go to see him again.
Hope you have plans on sharing those photos! Would love to see them! :D Cherry heads are my favorite! <3
Absolutely! I'll be happy to post some pictures. I should be visiting him tomorrow

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