need advice


New member
Jul 18, 2012
I have a blue and gold who is 10 yrs old, hand fed him from 10 days old. He is a sweetheart to most people, has a thing about wanting to go after little kids feet but other than that, a pure joy. I rescued an umbrella about 3 years ago, she is awesome. Biggest fault she has is chasing the dog and teasing him over his toys. a year and a half ago I rescued a mollucan who almost lost a leg to a rat bite, he was a challenge with the no warning biting at times but has gotten much better. His problem is wanting to be close to my umbrella all the time and she wants nothing to do with it and it causes screeching when she is out of his sight. I was ok with my little zoo of personalities and Zazu (my b/g) was pretty ok with the situation. Mostly because he is caged on a different floor and I bring them out at different times so they don't really bother him. My big problem and why I am here is due to the fact that I took on a little green amazon who needed a home. I have big issues, number 1, he has attached himself to zazu big time and at first it was ok buy now Zazu is getting mean with him when he follows him everywhere. Charlie will cry and screech every second he isn't near Zaz and I always cave. Zazu's frustrations about never having much alone time with me are beginning to show, he misbehaves like he never has and gets a bit feisty with me when I bring charlie out too. Charlie will sit on me like Zaz does and seems to want me to pet him and be like Zaz but out of no where he will lunge out and bite me for absolutely no reason. I am at a loss as to what to do, I don't like animals being rehomed over and over and i am not a quitter but now I am worried about Zazu hurting him and or most importantly my hand fed baby turning into a meany. any suggestions? I know this is long but needed to explain the situation. Help please!!
Hey sabzaz, welcome to the forum. Sounds like my house... I'll have to read all that a couple of more times before i can respond.
Well,,,, you could another zon and have 2 mean birds that will bite the tar out of you. Charlie's gonna bond , he doesn't sound like he's ever been around other birds, so he's like a teenager. He really wants to be accepted but isn't interested in people, yeah he's used to them but this bird stuff is new. You need to find something to shake up his world. I hate to say it but you need a friend with birds to take Charlie and put him in a different situation. Shock him alittle, he's a zon, they're great at changing environments. Move him back in after a month or two and i'll bet he'll be better at adapting. Zons i can help with, the 2 toos ??? your on your own.

Let me know if i'm right about Charlie
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I got Piki, my rainbow, when he was just 3 weeks old as the breeder was shifting to Australia. He was hand fed from hatching so knows no other birds. Piki is now slightly over 2 years old and will not have another bird near him. Outside, he threatens the tuis and wood pigeons when they come to feed. Two weeks ago my son came for a stay and brought with him his wife, 2 children, 1 dog, and 1 cockatiel. Needless to say Piki went balistic at the bird and never gave it a moments peace. But he enjoyed the grandchildren and their dog, a lovely German Shepherd. And the strange thing is the dog enjoyed Piki. So running around the house were two dogs, two kids, 1 rainbow lorikeet and a poor cockatiel huddled in his cage trying to stay out of sight of the dreaded colourful bird from hell.
I'm with Hen on his 1st comment, I'll reply tom

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