Need advice about kitchen


New member
Jul 24, 2023
None right now
Hi there! I've been wanting to get a parrot again, more specifically a kakariki, which haven't been imported into my country for ages. Until 2 days ago I saw that a local pet store had some for sale. However right now the apartment I live in is quite small and there is no room for a bird cage except in the main area which is both a living room and a kitchen.
This got me thinking that I couldn't get a bird in my current living, since I know cooking vapors can be harmful and deadly to birds. My question is though, is it only non stick cookware that is the issue? Would it be safe if I only cooked with say spotless steel? Or are there other harmful vapors from the kitchen as well? I wouldn't want to endanger any future bird so any advice and helpful knowledge would be greatly appreciated <3 Thanks!
Check out this thread with a lot of good info about bird safe cookware:

I use Caraway bake and cookware.

Does your space have a window you could open for ventilation while cooking (with bird in cage first!)? Without seeing your space, I would suggest making sure all cookware is bird safe, put bird in cage any time you cook, open a window and run a box fan for ventilation.
I have my bird cages in the hall which is open with the kitchen and staircase , have not been any issue. Course open the window to let out any strong smell or vapour every time needed. (have 2 kakarikis as well but they live outside in an aviary at the moment.)
Cooking fumes are not great for them, even if no non-stick cookware is used. THink about how much smoke and fumes are made when frying something. Plenty of open windows and a fan to exhaust will reduce it. We put our whole house fan on when cooking.
Thanks so much for the replies :) Yes we can open a window and even the balcony door that's in the bedroom to ventilate, with bird safely in cage. That thread about cookware is very interesting, thank you. Generally we only use pans, the oven and a microwave to cook. So it could be possible if I take all the precautions. I have a lot to think about in general, but the kitchen is a big concern.
Cooking fumes are not great for them, even if no non-stick cookware is used. THink about how much smoke and fumes are made when frying something. Plenty of open windows and a fan to exhaust will reduce it. We put our whole house fan on when cooking.
My kitchen is part of my main living atea where my birds live. I always turn on the fan built into the hood over my stove when I cook and it vents directly outside. I use stainless steel cookware except for my frying pans which have a ceramic nonstick finish (see @onamom's post above). I only use my nonstick frying pans on low heat to cook eggs. I use a cast iron skillet on my cooktop too. I'm a very careful cook, meaning I pay close attention to what I'm doing and never burn anything and smoke up the room and I'm the only person that cooks.
Thanks so much! It's great to hear how careful you are, gives me hope that I can do the same 😊

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