Need a new play stand (for amazon) Suggestions?


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
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1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
Kiwi has chewed down his play tree to a point now it would be impractical and possibly be unsafe for him if I repair it any more. I built him this one several years ago out of a large natural manzanita attached to an old end table for the base. The end table is actually still in good condition (for some reason, he hasn't chewed on it at all, just the "tree" part) plus it's actually a nice little "cabinet" style I store stuff in. I am torn between removing the old manzantia "tree" that's shot and replacing it (we have wild manzanita here) or buying one of the metal-type stands. Since this wasn't a planned expense for the tree to fall apart, and isn't (IMO) an emergency need for him, I could only really spend around $100 on a metal stand right now. I've checked out a few in that price range on Ebay and Amazon and am not really convinced they would be right for him (their kind of basic at that price). Then again, we will be making a cross country move this summer, and I've actually been concerned about the amount of room the tree would take up in a u-haul since it's not collapsable. I'm also not sure if I would have the time/ability to build him a new tree after we move, and while not an emergency need, he does like having the tree. What would you suggest doing?
You could make one out of PVC and for $100 you could get pretty creative with it and make it look really nice. Just keep the base that you already use and just add PVC and build up how ever you want to. Plus then you could break it down to transport it I'd think:).
I would repair or replace the manzanita tree you have. I have a manzanita tree stand and a metal playstand and prefer the wooden one because I find it more versatile. The metal one is very cold and the birds prefer to just sit on top of the metal hoop rather than playing on the lower perches and ladders. Since you have wild manzanita, just replace the "branches" that have been chewed down and you can always expand what you have. I keep extra pieces on hand for that very reason.
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Thank you for the suggestions. I hadn't thought of the metal kind being cold on his feet, plus I personally think their kind of ugly. I googled PVC trees and came across this one on sale in my budget! Plus I like the look of it a whole lot better than the more traditional ones. Thanks for suggesting, I never knew there were PVC trees available. I know it says "cockatiel" but looking at the dimensions and the eclectus in the photo, this is actually right about the size of his old tree. We are pretty space limited, especially since he has a rather large cage, which is more important (to me) than a large stand. I will probably not attach the legs/wheels and just sit it on the old base. I'm also thinking I could attach one of those "spring" rope perches to a toy hook, or make him one of those rope "nets". I'll post pictures when it shows up :-)
it looks like a very nice stand for the $. do u know if the perches r wood? am thinking Pritti would like one if they r wood.
From the description, I think the perches are plastic shaped like natural wood. I actually feel that's a plus, since he can't chew them up. I've never purchased something like this online before, so I'm really keeping my fingers crossed it will be as nice as it looks!
I have two. One is a table top and the other is a rolling verison like the one you're considering. Just make sure you order one that is big enough for your Kiwi. By the way, you'll want to cover the perches in vet wrap because they are slippery.
I have one that looks very similar to that my male Ekkie loves it and so do some of my macaws as the gym is pretty big( for the Ekkie but he likes it). I believe the one is the picture is textured, but yeah as grinder stated watch it they get slippy like after baths or even normally they can be slick. I will tell you now if it's something like mine you will love it, there easy to clean and yeah the branches are suppose to be shaped like natural wood they look kinda weird to me, but owell the birds love them. Can't wait to see pictures:)
Pritti boycott's vet taped surfaces, so I guess this is a "no" for him. :-(
I'm actually pretty excited, I checked the tracking and it will be here tomorrow! I only ordered it on Sunday. Kiwi has never flown, but has really made up for it in his climbing abilities. Im hoping he won't need this "vet tape" stuff on the perches. I've actually never heard of it before it was mentioned here, and I honestly don't know where to get anything like that (never seen/noticed it at the pet store or anything). He's always up on the slick shower curtain rod (hubby takes him in the shower) and he can scale our dresser using just the small, slick metal handles for climbing. He has very little trouble gripping and balancing on just about anything, so hopefully the play stand will work as is for him. If not, I guess I'll order grip stuff online.
Vet wrap can be found at stores that are horse related, at least that's were I found mine in the horse area, but it is commonly at pet stores and easy enough to order online if you do need it:p.
So the play stand got here last night! Kiwi was going nuts watching me assemble it (he definitely knows it's for him). The perches are actually nicely textured, and I doubt there will be any issues with him gripping them. Im also kind of relieved it is a perfect size for a single zon. It's made of these "rings" that stack over a "tube", and there is a small gap (seems the center tube is slightly too long) that makes it wobble (probably why it was on sale). Nothing a trip to the hardware store won't fix, but I had to hide it in the bedroom until I can get up there. He's was WAY too excited/intrigued to leave it in view of his cage without letting him explore on it. I'll post some pics up when I've got it fixed up and my very excited baby on it!

Wanted to add, it also fit perfectly on the old play stand base, so I still have my toy/paper-storage cabinet. Yay! I'll keep the legs and wheels for when we have a bigger space and I don't need the extra storage anymore.
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Yay glad it worked mine was a little top heavy to so i ended up adding more PVC on The stand around the base. Can't wait till you have pictures I'm sure kiwi will love it:)
I am looking to buy this for my amazon.. I want to have everything for her before she comes home... i was wondering how afer a few months of having this would you rate it... Do you still love it??

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