Nearly had a heart attack!


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Sydney - Blue Front Amazon
Gonzo - Congo African Grey
Willow - Cockatiel
Snowy, Ivy, Kiwi, Ghost - Parakeets
Berry - Cinnamon GCC
It's only 8am and I'm already having a heart attack today.

I was told the conure pair I got were escape artists, but this is my first experience with it and I feel awful! It seems they're able to nudge open the top of the nest box and get out, even though I have it covered with a heavy blanket that I use to cover half the cage. It seems the male nudged his way out a little bit ago while I was laying in bed watching TV. I look over and before I can react he took off, flying around the room. He's heading to the Amazon's cage and I flip, dive for him and he squeezes between the bottom bars.

Knowing what can happen if they get a hold of him, I fling the cage door open and grab him but he's flapping like mad. I manage to get him out an narrowly avoid a horrible accident, put him back in the cage and look in my hand and I'm holding several tail feathers.

I feel absolutely awful about it since the poor boy is now missing half his tail, but there was no blood or anything. I know it's a defense mechanism to release the tail feathers but it still makes me feel awful to see him like this, though I'd rather him be missing some feathers than be attacked.

I think I'm going to have to padlock the nestbox shut from now on. Let this be a cautionary tail (tale!)
Holy cow! that could have gone really bad in a hurry. Good thing it was still early enough and you were home. A few missing tail feather and a bit of a stroke is better than a dead bird.
:11: Holy smokes, what an adventurous early morning that was yesterday!!! Talk about an instant adrenaline rush, hey? I bet coffee was completely unnecessary after that 'little' episode. :54:

WOW, you reacted so quickly and bravely!! Don't even worry about a few tail feathers. They'll be back before you know it. :)
The weirdest most unforeseen things can happen, especially with birds! For all their attitude they are such delicate things! Thank goodness you were able to keep your cool and act quickly enough.

Thank you for posting this as well. It is not only a cautionary tale of this particular situation but also a reminder of how vigilant we need to be with our babies.
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Yeah, once I saw that he was fine I calmed down, but yes, for those of us with mixed sized birds, beware your small bird can likely fit through the cage bars of your larger bird!

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