Naughty boy!


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Sydney - Blue Front Amazon
Gonzo - Congo African Grey
Willow - Cockatiel
Snowy, Ivy, Kiwi, Ghost - Parakeets
Berry - Cinnamon GCC
So this morning I was up early, supposed to have the water heater replaced so I wanted to make sure the birds were all taken care of before the water got shut off.

I did a quick vacuum, changed water, and then I decided to make some mash/chop with some veggies I needed to use up. As I'm standing in the kitchen, Gonzo is going crazy in the cage, doing circles, slamming his bell against the side of the cage and yelling at himself, "Gonzo! Bad bird!" "Cover you up!"

My boyfriend is standing next to me, facing out to the living room watching, and all of a sudden he bursts out laughing as I hear something hitting the floor mats under the cage. I peek around the corner and Gonzo is standing in his food bowl, and literally throwing his pellets out of the cage with his foot. He's getting a full foots worth of pellets and managing to get them several feet from the cage. I guess he's protesting plain pellets and wanted his breakfast already.

I always have to vacuum, but I always wondered how they made it so far away from the cage! I just loved the death stare he gave me as he did it too. He eventually stopped his protest after I asked him if he was almost out of pellets.

Now I'm sitting here, drinking my cold coffee because of this little jerk. :p
Have like two seconds of video and a picture of the floor that I'll try to upload later.
LOL...messy little creatures that they can be! Before I bought one of those acrylic type,feed "boxes" < it has a roof,with back and sides,and the front opening has a "perch" inside> where Jonesy can walk into the food "box",he had just a regular style bowl..I'd watch him dig his little beak deep into that bowl and FLING food/seed everywhere :mad:..across the living room floor,almost to Amys' house!
What a slob he is!! Now his grub just stays in his box..well worth the $70 I paid from Windy City Parrots in Chicago :p

I was literally filling his bowl three times a day and vacuuming five times lol.

You know what I've learnt, they do know how yo eat neatly they just chose not to. If I give Leo something he is only allowed on occasion like egg which he loves you'd see him eat it slowly and carefully without dropping it but make a mess if it's something he'd rather not eat

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