my two newest additions


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
What a day!:D....tiring but very exciting. I travelled out to my cousines house to pick up her Jardine(Willow) and her Pionus (Edgar)
I didn't realize both were so big....well u know what I mean bigger than I thought they were.

Both birds stepped up without hesitation, but I really seem to bond with the least likely one....the Jardine. Her grip is like a vice, I was quite surprised by that, and has a good weight to her. Heavier than Ninja was, and bigger too.

Wendy called it right!!...Willow is so funny, she does the whoop whoop sound every time I come in the bedroom, so I give her a treat.we go back and forth making funny sounds to each other, I guess she is more interactive, which I really really like in a bird.

my Safari has already picked up her call so now both are doing it, which is a riot.

Edgar is settling in nicely, still analyzing everything, but likes to do somersaults from the cage to his perch....that's entertaining. He has an interesting screech, I hope I don't hear too often :rolleyes:, he only did it for a few minutes then stopped. both are strikingly beautiful, and have been well taken care of.

they travelled very well in my truck, I carted two big cages home, 3 bags full of food, toys,java stands etc... the truck was packed solid.

all in all a good day, I have someone coming in tomorrow to look at my baby cockatiels so I must run.

some pics of my new babies :D:D:D
first pic is of Willow, my Jardine, 2nd pic, is of Edgar my Pionus(very camera shy, or probably didn't care much for the flash, he kept turning away,lol)

IMG_2830_zpsfe987c12.jpg Photo by bmckellar735 | Photobucket

IMG_2833_zps3185e17c.jpg Photo by bmckellar735 | Photobucket
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is GREAT, Beth!!!! Yeah, I never told anyone, I've got that special gift....JUST KIDDING! :D

They are both GORGEOUS!!! You must be SO very happy right about now!

And good luck tomorrow for the potential new cockatiel paronts. :)
Gorgeous feathers on both, they look healthy. :)
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thanks!!....tomorrow is another day. I am anxious to give them fruits & veggies, beans, etc....and see what they choose.

Wendy- ha ha on you!!you certainly called it right, that's some talent you have,LOL
maybe I'll listen next time ;)
They are so colorful! Love sharp blues and yellows. Wow, you're flock is growing and growing and growing...! I can only imagine the clean up you have to do haha! I only have one sun conure and it's already a challenge.

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