My "Three Muskateers"

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  • #41
Look what the mail has brought this afternoon !!!!!
I came home from the hospital this afternoon and there was a great big surprise waiting for me!
I don't know what to say ..... I am speechless!
Incredibly, the similarity!
I do not understand that Gail can paint this ..... it is so real!!
How can I thank you Gail.....
Thousand thanks.....
This has given me a you always do....
Thank you....thank you.....thank you......

That is beautiful! What a fantastic rendering of Bob!!

I hope you are feeling well, Marileen.
Marileen, I am so sorry I have missed this thread for so long!
First, I am so sorry for the loss of your younger son, and David, for the loss of your daughter. My deepest condolences to you both.
I am so in love with Harry, Toon and Bob, and hearing their stories is so wonderful.
Gail, that painting of Bob is amazing!
Please keep updating, I love this thread!
Thank you everybody!

Kentuckienne... I'll do gratis drawings and then post them on a forum for you (or whoever) to print them off. Or I could email to you. If you're thinking canvas, paint, postage, etc., I do those, yes, but let me message you. Is that correct, Mods?
Gail, that's absolutely fine:)
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  • #50 don't have to apologize.

What do you guys think of this?
Also painted by Gail.
The resemblance is amazing.
The figure of leg of harry!
Gail is a real artist!

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  • #51
Hi dear friends .... it's me.....Harry 😀

Watch my "moonwalk" :D
You can read the explanation also with this video :D

[ame=""]My "Moonwalk 😁😁 - YouTube[/ame]
Ah we love Harry (oh and Toon and Bob!) seeing clearly his disability is sad but very cheering to see him carrying on regardless and managing very well it looks like. Hope he got extra treats for his 'Moonwalk'? Loved the noise he makes at the end Marileen, thank you for sharing him and sending your brave boy a hug.
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  • #53
Hi everyone :) Toon here :D
Harry showed you his "Moonwalk" :D
and I want to show you my BigFeetWalk:D
I'm not disabled.....but I have verrrrrryyy big feet :54::D

[ame=""]My Big Feet - YouTube[/ame]
That's GREAT. And the cinematography..... the dramatic backlighting. Harry is our noble hero, and Toon has a rather intimidating walk, as if he might be playing the villain in a scary movie. Harry seems to use his beak a bit like a cane, if I'm seeing that right. Great bird. I'm fond of him from all the way over here!
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Great vids. Something we can all agree on... even yours truly and my ol' man. Harry is a hero!

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