My senagal decided carrots were yummy because the dogs like it. Lol


New member
May 22, 2011
Lehigh Acres, FL
1 Senegal Parrot (Cassie) and 4 Parkeets (Tia, Fidget, Tibbin, and Skyler)
My Senegal Cassie loves all sorts of people food that's mostly good for her but I could never get her to try carrots. Now and then I try and she won't taste it. I also have two dogs and about a month ago our vet said, lay off the cookies and try giving them vegetables instead. So we have and we found they LOVE canned baby carrots, green beans and peas.

So tonight as I'm getting ready for bed, Cassie is on my shoulder and we went out to the backyard to let the dogs out and I had their carrot treat can in hand. After we got back in I gave each dog some carrots and I noticed Cassie leaning down to investigate. So I took a small carrot and I held it up to her. I was so surprised when she decided to inhale it! She took a tiny nibble and then decided OMG, new favorite food! She ate the whole carrot. I guess she learned from the dogs. Lol.

(Cassie is 6 years old)
Whatever works! Its not that different with Humans! Its why having them watch us eat also creates an interest.
Whatever works! Its not that different with Humans! Its why having them watch us eat also creates an interest.

My Senegal wants everything I'm eating or drinking, especially my coffee in the morning. I would never allow her to have it, but she is bound and determined to get in that cup. I tried giving her another coffee cup filled with a little water, but she didn't fall for it. She wants what's in my cup.
My Senegal Cassie loves all sorts of people food that's mostly good for her but I could never get her to try carrots. Now and then I try and she won't taste it. I also have two dogs and about a month ago our vet said, lay off the cookies and try giving them vegetables instead. So we have and we found they LOVE canned baby carrots, green beans and peas.

So tonight as I'm getting ready for bed, Cassie is on my shoulder and we went out to the backyard to let the dogs out and I had their carrot treat can in hand. After we got back in I gave each dog some carrots and I noticed Cassie leaning down to investigate. So I took a small carrot and I held it up to her. I was so surprised when she decided to inhale it! She took a tiny nibble and then decided OMG, new favorite food! She ate the whole carrot. I guess she learned from the dogs. Lol.

(Cassie is 6 years old)

Good news Cassie has decided she likes veggies. Just to seek clarification that the canned veggies are not canned in salted water as this would not be any good for her? You can get them in just water but wanted to check. :)

Have you tried a fresh chop of these veggies for her and the dogs?
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Good news Cassie has decided she likes veggies. Just to seek clarification that the canned veggies are not canned in salted water as this would not be any good for her? You can get them in just water but wanted to check. :)

Have you tried a fresh chop of these veggies for her and the dogs?

Oh yeah, the canned carrots are not salted. I have tried fresh carrots but the dogs and Cassie still won't try them. Other things Cassie has grown to love is green grapes... won't touch the red ones (lol), fresh chicken and fish, apples, oranges, corn, and of course she tries hard to get what ever I'm eating. She once snuck some vanilla ice cream quickly and now when she sees I have some, I have to put her away because she's sooo persistent on having some. lol. She is so spoiled and always out.
Funny! And similarly - my dogs used to really love to eat fresh baby carrots and fresh snap peas but they'd kind of been ignoring them recently. Then they saw me feeding those treats to Bumble and BAM they needed to have their fair share! And not only are they eating theirs, but one of the dogs has figured out that when a stick a carrot in between the bars of her cage, eventually it will fall out so he sits under the carrot and waits.

Animals are so funny and weird and interesting.

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Good news Cassie has decided she likes veggies. Just to seek clarification that the canned veggies are not canned in salted water as this would not be any good for her? You can get them in just water but wanted to check. :)

Have you tried a fresh chop of these veggies for her and the dogs?

Oh yeah, the canned carrots are not salted. I have tried fresh carrots but the dogs and Cassie still won't try them. Other things Cassie has grown to love is green grapes... won't touch the red ones (lol), fresh chicken and fish, apples, oranges, corn, and of course she tries hard to get what ever I'm eating. She once snuck some vanilla ice cream quickly and now when she sees I have some, I have to put her away because she's sooo persistent on having some. lol. She is so spoiled and always out.

Smokey, my TAG... (r.i.p. Smokes :31:) loved red grapes and threw the green ones at me,where Amy loves the green ones and throws the RED one's at me...go figure.. :rolleyes: :confused:

Other things Cassie has grown to love is green grapes... won't touch the red ones (lol).

What IS up with that? Oscar is exactly the same! He tries, but throws them away after a few bites. The green ones (well, I cut them in half) are eaten to the last molecule.

He's also very much in tune with the dogs, and it is now impossible to give them a treat without giving him one too. "WHAT'S THAT? WHAT'S THAT? COOKIE?". On the other hand the dogs live near his cage when he's eating, and probably eat more bird chow than Oscar does. :D
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My dogs won over her curiosity again. Lol. I gave them fresh green beans as treats tonight after going outside and Cassie grew curious or maybe jealous. She now loves fresh green beans. Wouldn't even try tasting it before. So funny. So happy I can add another veggie to her food bowl. She still won't eat peas so maybe the dogs can persuade her later. :)
The copycat thing so works! When I brought home my first IRN, Henry, my geriatric 'tiel decided that maybe pellets weren't so bad and mixed veges could be worth trying. I spent years getting her to attempt these foods! Turned out all I needed was a new parrot....:rolleyes:

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