How can i get my budgie to eat her greens? :(


New member
Apr 10, 2024
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A budgie named oni
So I know that birds in general should not solely rely on a diet of only seed mix and the same goes for my budgie, oni. The issue I'm having is she seems to be very picky and will not eat anything other then her seed mix which, she will chew on other things but ultimately flicks them away, I've tried lettuce, carrots, cucumber, pepper, papaya and strawberries but she has only ever shown a very mild interest in carrots and that's it. It's not that she dosent have an appetite I mean she eats up her seed mix and if she sees me eating something that isn't good for her she takes interest (I have had to shoo her away from pizza a few times lol)

Ultimately I don't know how to get her to eat her veggies :( I just want her to be healthy and have a proper diet
So I know that birds in general should not solely rely on a diet of only seed mix and the same goes for my budgie, oni. The issue I'm having is she seems to be very picky and will not eat anything other then her seed mix which, she will chew on other things but ultimately flicks them away, I've tried lettuce, carrots, cucumber, pepper, papaya and strawberries but she has only ever shown a very mild interest in carrots and that's it. It's not that she dosent have an appetite I mean she eats up her seed mix and if she sees me eating something that isn't good for her she takes interest (I have had to shoo her away from pizza a few times lol)

Ultimately I don't know how to get her to eat her veggies :( I just want her to be healthy and have a proper diet
Try any fruits with a higher water content like grapes, and you could also try uncooked corn on the cob, the bird will like the juices from them.
So I know that birds in general should not solely rely on a diet of only seed mix and the same goes for my budgie, oni. The issue I'm having is she seems to be very picky and will not eat anything other then her seed mix which, she will chew on other things but ultimately flicks them away, I've tried lettuce, carrots, cucumber, pepper, papaya and strawberries but she has only ever shown a very mild interest in carrots and that's it. It's not that she dosent have an appetite I mean she eats up her seed mix and if she sees me eating something that isn't good for her she takes interest (I have had to shoo her away from pizza a few times lol)

Ultimately I don't know how to get her to eat her veggies :( I just want her to be healthy and have a proper diet
Hi @Eeby_deeby, welcome to the forums and congrats on your new baby and wanting to give her the best start in life! I've just moved your thread to our "Parrot Food, Diet & Recipes" sub-forum, and here you'll find a number of "stickies" at the top of the page which will give you valuable tips on converting to a better diet, plus lots of tasty recipes too. I've linked another good resource for you below too, from a highly reputable vet in Melbourne, Australia, which hopefully will help too ...

My guys really like leafy greens like bok choy and silverbeet, and they LOVE broccolini, or baby broccoli, probably because of the texture of those little florets on the stem as much as anything else.

Best of luck with your little one, and I wish you a long and health life together! 💝
So I know that birds in general should not solely rely on a diet of only seed mix and the same goes for my budgie, oni. The issue I'm having is she seems to be very picky and will not eat anything other then her seed mix which, she will chew on other things but ultimately flicks them away, I've tried lettuce, carrots, cucumber, pepper, papaya and strawberries but she has only ever shown a very mild interest in carrots and that's it. It's not that she dosent have an appetite I mean she eats up her seed mix and if she sees me eating something that isn't good for her she takes interest (I have had to shoo her away from pizza a few times lol)

Ultimately I don't know how to get her to eat her veggies :( I just want her to be healthy and have a proper diet
The reason your budgie loves seeds so much is because it's a granivore, the main part of its diet is grain/seed. They don't eat human foods like veggies in the wild so they won't have the taste for it at first and will be picky.
I wouldn't worry too much cos there isn't any or many nutrients in veggies that there aren't already in grain/seed

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