My review after using


New member
Nov 5, 2011
I ordered a bag of food and red palm oil from North America Parrot Toys Parrot Supplies Bird Toys Swings on the 9th. On the 10th I received an email confirmation. The package arrived today this afternoon (11th) in perfect condition. The shipping cost wasn't even high. That's what I call good service :). Just wanted to say they are reliable if anyone was unsure. Great speedy delivery. Packaged the palm oil in lots of bubble wrap too.

The only time I've ever been more impressed is when I got a new engine intake valve for a land scooter overnight from Germany in 19 hours from phone call to doorbell. DHL. For the win. To this day, I don't see how that level of efficiency was possible. It's about a 9 hour flight from Frankfurt Germany (them) to Toronto Canada (me). Then you have to drive it to my house in the burbs. 19 hours total man. Mind boggling. The guy in Germany must have hung up his phone, grabbed the valve, and hoofed it over to DHL at the airport in like 10 minutes.
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19 hours Germany to Canada? Now that's really impressive!
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I know right!??
I still can't figure it out in my head without it involving "The Amazing Race' style antics to get it to me on time. I don't think I can get my own self to Germany that fast and I'm easier to ship than a valve :).
DHL didn't even ding or scratch the box!!! I was like just blown away by the whole experience.

19 hours after I order I see a yellow DHL truck stop across the street while I'm on my porch having a smoke and I think "Come on, no way, did they get it here in a fighter jet?".
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