My question


New member
Oct 21, 2010
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PePe; Dusky Conure
My question is can budgies hold their food or seeds like medium or large sized parrots do ? Out of the millions of budgies would you think there would at least be 1 that someday could or already can ? Because they can balance on one leg while they rest and when you pick them up they crunch their feet the same way my conure would.
Hhhmmmm....I don't know. I know my Linnies can. Sometimes they pick up a nutriberri with their feet and I wonder how something so small can balance on one foot and pick up something that big!!
Oooh do they, hmm that furthers my belief that they could! I was then thinking because of your post I remember about macaws on tricycles and about 50 years before that no one would of ever guessed a macaw riding a tryc', but it became a reality once they trained it so maybe if someone really trains their budgie they can somehow be able to pull it off ?
That I have not seen....I used to raise them and none of them was able to do that....

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