My poor Budgies ... I had to seperate them.


Mar 7, 2013
Shreveport, La USA
Porter (Broto); Fuggles(Budgie)
Daffy had a go at baby...
And Baby started bleeding. Vet visit later it was nothing to worry about.
Baby has been stressed recently as well; and I was trying to avoid doing this again, as I had to separate Daffy from other budgies before as well.
The vet recommended I separate them and I did; but when they see each other from across the room they forget to eat, and go simply crazy.

So I've had to go so far as to put them in different rooms.

Flock calling aside they've calmed down...
Settled and are getting used to it.

At least Baby is.

Daffy is miserable.

So I've been spending most of my time with her talking and training and all sorts.

Both birds are hand tamed but other than that... they don't like people; we are to be tolerated.

Perhaps if I tame her down a bit more she'll stop pining.

I hate when I have to do this.
Sometimes budgies can be bossy little so-and-so's..and long have they been together? Are they still "young"? I'm not bufgie experienced, I am sure others more qualified will chime in. Good Luck!


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