My New Ringneck-Dove Is Taking Over the House!!!


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Aug 20, 2016
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State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
So Dylan has been with me for about 3 weeks now (he's a male, baby Ringneck Dove that I took out of a bad pet shop situation through the Exotics Rescue I work at), and I have to say that I had no idea how dominant, curious, and most of all FEARLESS they are!!! I have a duck that I got as a week-old baby, but that's the extent of my own poultry/game-bird ownership (my mom and stepfather both own and breed a number of species of chickens, guinea hens, quail, pigeons, doves, chukkars, etc., but I've never lived with anything other than parrots)...When I first brought him home he was very scared, timid, and kept to himself, and wouldn't let me handle him at all, except to pet his head/back, but that's it...After 3 weeks he's flying all over the house (oddly, I might add, it's bizarre), all over me every chance he gets, and quite literally "struts his stuff" all day long...the parrots are terrified of him, especially my Senegal, he is so scared of Dylan's "cooing" that he does what I can only compare to a bird having a "night fright" inside of his cage every single morning at sunrise...

That's the other thing...NO ONE TOLD ME THAT I MIGHT AS WELL HAVE PUT A ROOSTER INSIDE MY HOUSE!!! I don't think about these things, stupidly...Every morning. Every.Single.Morning. At Dawn. "COO-CA-CA-COO-COO!!! COO-CA-CA-COO-COO!!!" FOR 2-3 MINUTES...EVERY.MORNING.

And here's the other thing...HIS FLYING. Now if you read my very first post about Dylan, then you read that I had to clip his wings and his tail (uhg) when I brought him home, as he was being bullied to death by 5 or 6 other adult Ringneck's that the pet shop put him in with...and how in the world they bullied this bird I have no idea...Anyway, he not only had little to no flight feathers or tail feathers left from them chewing them off, but what he did have left were absolutely caked front and underside with formula from his breeder not bothering to EVER wipe it off after a feeding. So I basically clipped the edges off of what was left to his primary-flight feathers, and a few of his secondary's, along with the "nubbins" that were his tail feather...Well I guess that Doves grow their feathers back at the speed-of-light, because after about 2 weeks he had a full-set of primary's, and his tail is about 3/4 grown...he's beautiful, and growing-out his scruffy, beige baby feathers...HE STARTED FLYING AFTER 2 WEEKS OF BEING HERE....SORT OF.

He "flies" anywhere he wants to fly to in the house without issue...but...HE LOOKS LIKE A HELICOPTER OR A DRONE! I have to take a video of him flying and post it, I've not ever seen a bird do this before. Ever. Not even close. First he "lifts up", straight-up in the air off of the ground, and then he literally "hovers" a bit, and you can't tell what direction it is that he WANTS TO GO, just like a helicopter hovering and getting ready to start flying forward, then he eventually starts moving in the direction he's trying to go, and somehow, I don't know how, but just as you think he's going to hit the wall or a piece of furniture or whatever, he suddenly "hovers" in mid-air again, and just "PLOPS!" DOWN on whatever or wherever he was trying to get's hard to describe, but just picture a helicopter lifting off the ground, hovering in mid-air, then looking like it's heading in one direction but suddenly taking-off in another...then suddenly hovering in mid-air again, and then suddenly "landing" on it's destination...:eek:

I don't know if this is just how Doves fly???? or if it's because of his feather-situation, or what...I'm a parrot person, not a Dove or Pigeon person, though I guess I am a "dove person" now :)...But if this is just how Doves fly then I'm a moron and I apologize...but somehow I just don't think so...:15:
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T.P.I.W.W.P!!! :mad: :p :rolleyes:


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