My new pet: The brown-headed parrot


New member
May 14, 2013
Quebec, CA
2 female cinnamon pearl pied cockatiels, Princess and Chicken***

1 female OW amazon, Kiwi***

R.I.P Roxy my female pineapple conure***

1 female DYH amazon parrot
Can anyone share stories about them or any information. I just got him/her and google is limited. Youtube is limited in description as well. I am located in Quebec, Canada. Mine is apparently hand fed and came from a breeder. I am his 3rd home in his roughly 2.5 years of life. He is sweet and funny and curious and shy and adventurous and a bit moody. Well rounded if anything. What else can I expect from a brown-headed. It's too bad people go for color before character.
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Hi and welcome

We have a brown head too, our guy is 9 years old and we got him from a rescue 8 months ago.
He is very sweet to my husband and so so with me. He is apparently not too fond of women because in his last home the lady used to trim his wings and do his nails. This has left him with a mistrust, but he is slowly getting over it.

He is very independent and likes playing in his cage, takes a while for him to trust anything new. He is a bit of a scaredy cat at times and a little skitz.

He is not very loud, mimicks the microwave, rattle of dishes and laughs. He can say hello and birdie and chatters up a whole bunch of words that we can't make out. Loves music and is very regimented in his ways as far as bedtime goes. He's a good eater, doesn't like pellets, loves his fruit.

Let me know if you have any specific questions.
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Yea i heard about the hating people who groom them. He is my bird and i do the grooming. My solution and hopefully it works is my boyfriend catches him and then i grab him in the towel and pray he doesnt peak out and see me cutting his feet. I did it same day i got him and actually he barely cared about getting caught. He obviously slipped out a few times but i quickly covered him. He didnt try to run away either times he slipped out and wasnt much in a panic being wrapped up as my amazon gets. Didnt try to bite either. I finished up and put him on my finger and fixed his ruffled feathers and said good boy and petted him and that was it. Sat with me for the rest of the night. He wasnt much groomed in the other home and the owner was a man who lived with his like 10 other relatives with dogs and cats. A real active home that seemed to freak tristan out most of the times. Mine is the polar opposite. No kids, small apartment with relatively quiet birds. He takes to me and my boyfriend equally well but i really hope he becomes more of my bird who wants to see me more as my bf already has his amazon. I was told he hates pellets to; dang was hoping he wasnt a seed bird. These birds are not popular as pets and i heard their wild population is going way down in some areas...hope they stay alive. Theyre really good birds. Do you have any biting problems? His old owner said he gave nips and hard ones once in a while. His description of when they happened seemed to arise out of tristan being startled or frightened though and not just because. I am told he can get cage territorial though so they waited until he came out on his own to handle him. I like to just take my birds and they come happy to get out. This'll be new for me.

Hi and welcome

We have a brown head too, our guy is 9 years old and we got him from a rescue 8 months ago.
He is very sweet to my husband and so so with me. He is apparently not too fond of women because in his last home the lady used to trim his wings and do his nails. This has left him with a mistrust, but he is slowly getting over it.

He is very independent and likes playing in his cage, takes a while for him to trust anything new. He is a bit of a scaredy cat at times and a little skitz.

He is not very loud, mimicks the microwave, rattle of dishes and laughs. He can say hello and birdie and chatters up a whole bunch of words that we can't make out. Loves music and is very regimented in his ways as far as bedtime goes. He's a good eater, doesn't like pellets, loves his fruit.

Let me know if you have any specific questions.
He can be a bit nippy

It is when he is scared mostly, but he also tries to punish you if he doesn't like something. He is mostly my hubby's bird, MY DYH Amazon is more mine.
He is cage territorial especially about changing his food, but he comes out easily for my hubby so that is when we do cage maintenance. Also he gets totally involved if I give him a nut wrapped in paper towel, when he is busy you can do anything you want in his cage. He really is a good bird, just a bit jumpy.
He is stubborn about pellets, but he does love food so I make him birdie bread with pellets crushed up and he loves that, also likes nutriberries. Cherries is his absolute favourite fruit.

When we first got him home he took to both of us, but after a few weeks gravitated towards my hubby, he was bonded with a man in his last home. So if you want him to take to you just be the one that spends more time with him.

I hope they stay alive in the wild too, doesn't seem to be too many in captivity
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How does yours walk look like? Mine wiggles his butt from side to side and its not purposely. All my other parrots seem to keep their tails straight. Is that a brown headeds normal walk?

He can be a bit nippy

It is when he is scared mostly, but he also tries to punish you if he doesn't like something. He is mostly my hubby's bird, MY DYH Amazon is more mine.
He is cage territorial especially about changing his food, but he comes out easily for my hubby so that is when we do cage maintenance. Also he gets totally involved if I give him a nut wrapped in paper towel, when he is busy you can do anything you want in his cage. He really is a good bird, just a bit jumpy.
He is stubborn about pellets, but he does love food so I make him birdie bread with pellets crushed up and he loves that, also likes nutriberries. Cherries is his absolute favourite fruit.

When we first got him home he took to both of us, but after a few weeks gravitated towards my hubby, he was bonded with a man in his last home. So if you want him to take to you just be the one that spends more time with him.

I hope they stay alive in the wild too, doesn't seem to be too many in captivity
Yep he does the wiggle, but so does my amazon LOL
They are heavy body parrots.

Oh I forgot to mention, when ours bites, he likes to hold on.
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Well i thought an update was in order. Tristan was adopted out to another man as he did not fit in our home with the other birds. He was too aggressive and unpredictable and didnt like either me or my boyfriend or my other birds...

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