My new baby Pixie <3

Such a cute girl, and I love her colors!

What kinds of toys does she seem to like? I find that my budgie loves shreddable toys. Balsa or yucca wood is a favorite.
How cute! I love my little budgies every bit as much as a larger bird. They crack me up, test my patience, and pull all sorts of hijinks that make me laugh. Their current thing is to fly low over my new conure who has clipped wings and flip him out when he's eating breakfast with me at the table. They think they are really big stuff apparently. I keep close watch on everyone for safety's sake. They do the same thing to me when they're mad at me (usually for not letting them right out when they scream). I get lightly head buzzed on occasion like they're showing me how upset they were for not listening to them. Enjoy your little cutie, and remember to keep close watch on a budgie around other pets to keep them safe.
What a cute little girl! I love budgies - have 3 of them! They are awesome birds.
I want one. I love the looks and sound of the little guys. Just worried about my Macaw accepting them.
Lovely budgie! My moms two budgies do not seem to like toys yet but they love to fly so she recently upgraded her cage to my old HQ flight cage. Budgies make such cute noises they chatter and tweet all day long. Is she already tame? If not, i heard it is easier to tame them if you only have one. Yours looks to be an adult female because of the lack of barring feathers on her head and the color of the cere. She is very pretty. Cute little yellow face!
What a little cutie, congratulations! Budgies are wonderful parrots. My budgies really like their shreddable, chewable toys.
Spray millet seems to be a budgie favorite. I say use this as a training treat. There are lots of websites and YouTube videos that will help you tame her. There was SOO much information when I was helping my mom. Good luck and be patient, it's worth it.

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