My mum has finally agreed to us getting a bird and I am so excited! But I just need some opinions…


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Jan 5, 2025
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A quick unsolicited backstory: I posted on here a while ago asking if it was okay to keep a parrot in an outside aviary during the day, and bring them in at night as my mum would not allow the bird to be inside while I was at work and she was at home (that was her compromise to let me have a bird).

I was very iffy about this even though I was fully prepared to do whatever it took to keep my bird as safe as possible.

The other day, my Mum came to me and said that she did a lot of thinking, and said that when I get a bird, it can stay inside!!! She said it took a lot of reading and thinking for her but she’s happy to welcome a little feathered family member into the house!

Anyway, the main point of my post is this:

What are the pros and cons of owning one of the following species of parrot…

- male eclectus
- hahn’s macaw
- green cheek conure

I’ve done lots of research and know what I’m getting into with each of these species. But I would REALLYYYY love some personal anecdotes and experiences with any of these (the good and the bad) - I’m only getting one by the way, these are just the species I’m choosing out of

Any answers would be sooooo much appreciated. Thank you so much everyone! ☺️
Congrats! How exciting! As for the birds you mentioned, I've only had experience with the green cheeks. Greenies are bold, sassy, and not afraid to go up to an animal triple their size and weight to pick a fight. They're comical and many enjoy flipping onto their backs to play and wrestle. They're also nippy little &^%%ers and if you get a chick, you're going to have to train it to not nip... or not nip as hard. I love green cheeks. If my other birds pass for whatever reason, I might consider getting a turquoise mutation GCC.
I have none of the species listed but….

eclectus requires a special diet.
The Hanns macaw (to me) has an annoying harsh and raspy call.

Everything I have heard and seen says I would pick the green cheek.
If I didn't have so many birds and if I knew for sure I was going to be healthy and mobile in 25 years I would get a baby green cheek in a second. I'm not "old" but I will be very old in 25 years and I don't want to leave any birds homeless when I pass. Lots of PF members have green cheeks and with the right attention and training they're wonderful companions. Yes, they can be nippy but all birds can be.

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