My Macaw

Ok iluvsamba,you are right! We are out of topic! :D

But you know, no intention on this, just one post brought the other! :D

My macaw Samba died a few years ago and she was a sweetheart i loved her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. She died we think of cancer. We are not positive though. I miss her so much and my avvie (avatar) looks like her. If you are sad for me or have anything to say post it on here.

Did you take her to the vet after she passed away?He would have given you a more precise opinion..
Was she sick long time?I hope she didn't suffer much!Was she old?Did you take her from a breeder? Tell us her whole life story..
Yeah, one thing we do is get off Topic, but we do soon come back to it. Its just the way we all are here. :D
(((Caitlin))) we can tend to get away with ourselves sometimes. We would all love to hear about Samba ... share anything you are able.

I think there comes a time after losing a precious life that we move (ever so gradually, almost without knowing) from sadness to reverence/rememberance. I lost Sailor and dwelled on his death in my very own hand every waking moment ... that is lessening. (Although, I must admit, I call Timothy by the name of Sailor still all too often). But, more often than I used to, I remember Sailor talking me into a calm nap ... or preening Dan's shaved head.

Remember, Samba is at Rainbow Bridge, fully feathered, fully flighted having the time of her life waiting for you! :64:
... but we do soon come back to it ...

What forum are you talking about Peta ... when we get off topic it takes us forever to get back on it :p
Tex, you can't be telling our new members that, :D

Caitlin don't look at that post. :D
too late already did
oops, sorry about that Caitlin -- is it too late to try to make our first impressions again??

We'll behave this time, I promise ... :D
oops, sorry about that Caitlin -- is it too late to try to make our first impressions again??

We'll behave this time, I promise ... :D

:18: :18: :18: :18: Yeah right, I mean course we will :18: :18: :18: :18:
no really YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA
how is everybody doing? happy holidays

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