My macaw is cage bound


New member
Aug 15, 2024
Sun conure
B&G Macaw
I recently added my first macaw, heā€™s a 6-year-old B&G macaw.

Heā€™s doing very well. It was a rough start with diet conversion and initial training.

The hardest part currently is the fact that heā€™s cage bound. Heā€™ll stay on the highest perch on the left and will rarely if ever step up to come out.

He will lunge and try to bite if I try to approach him when heā€™s in the cage.

Once heā€™s out of the cage, heā€™ll easily step up.

I was thinking of lowering the perches because heā€™s obsessed with being high. He shoulder rushes, doesnā€™t like to step up when on top of his cage, although I already solved those issues. However, I canā€™t get him to step up when heā€™s on my shoulder, so I need to crouch down and get him to step off on the couch himself.

Basically, heā€™s lower, heā€™s behaves better.

Does anyone know how to get him to not be so obsessed with his cage? I clicked and target trained him. He also knows that if he steps up, he gets a treatā€”Heā€™ll actively search for my hand when heā€™s out of his cage, but when heā€™s inside, he will never search for my hand.

Edit: I just lowered the perches and it seemed to instantly change him.
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My amateur advice from almost 50 years of experience with my macaw is: give him time. The cage is his safe space. He will come out once he is ready. Have patience. My macaw waited 10 years before he mustered up the courage to step foot on the swing I put in his cage. TEN YEARS! He loves his swing now, but it was a scary thing for a good long while. Others may give different advice, but I am a big believer in giving your bird the freedom to do his thing in his own sweet time.
I've got my B&G Macheath, for ten years ago when he was twenty-three.

Your bird is just a baby and you are in complete control you just have to let him think he's in control,
Build a bond at his pace, read everything on this site that you can.
give a reason to come out and show him that life is so much more interesting outside of a cage.

He's not cage bound, and patience is best advise.

It will be great.
Try sitting of the floor with your back towards the cage and start playing with some toys such as tossing a whiffle ball into the air all the while ohhing and awing and making it into a fun game then ask him if he wants to play with it while you offer it to him. Macaws love drama and want to be included in things and you need to create yourself into the fun person he wants to be with.

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