My irn right wing is drooping


New member
Dec 14, 2023
Indian ringneck
My irn is 2 months old and he recently fell from a distance of 50 cm. Since that he started sneezing and had some discharge along with his right wing drooping, sometimes both wings
I am a minor and in my country there isn’t any avian vets what do i do
I previously had another irn but he recently died, I am scared as i do not know what to do


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Welcome to the forums.

Sorry you’re here under these circumstances. It sounds like your baby could have a respiratory infection or something similar.
The fall doesn’t sound too bad, but it can be hard to tell sometimes.

Here’s our resource thread:

If you don’t have any avian vets near you, perhaps an exotics vet?
My irn is 2 months old and he recently fell from a distance of 50 cm. Since that he started sneezing and had some discharge along with his right wing drooping, sometimes both wings
I am a minor and in my country there isn’t any avian vets what do i do
I previously had another irn but he recently died, I am scared as i do not know what to do
Unfortunately, none of us are avian vets or animal doctors of any kind. When someone asks a medical question we almost always recommend taking the bird to a qualified vet unless it's pretty clear that it would be unnecessary. If your bird has a respiratory infection he will require treatment with antibiotics that only a vet can prescribe. However, if you keep him warm (at least 27-30C), calm, and well-fed, he may very well recover on his own. It's a good sign if he's eating and pooping normally. Other PF members may have some good advice on other ways to help a parrot with a respiratory infection.

As for the drooping wing(s), I don't think the short fall he took has anything to do with his respiratory problem, but he may have sprained something. I've had birds fall short distances or fly into things and be perfectly fine after perhaps being a bit sore for a while. Even more serious injuries can heal. I had an older female budgie fall about three feet (one meter) and x-rays revealed that she fractured her upper leg bone (femur, up by her hip). It was a bad injury but I kept her in a specially outfitted hospital cage and her leg healed well enough for her to live another year with some minimal disability. I had a budgie fracture his wing very badly (bone poking out and bloody). The avian vet set the bones best he could without surgery and taped his wing to his body and it healed, but it healed fixed and he couldn't use it. He lived another 8 years.

My point it that even without vet care, minor injuries to wings and legs, like broken toes, sprains and strains, will generally heal on their own.

I hope your baby is okay!

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