My husband stole my bird!


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Columbus, GA
Eclectus, CAG, BH Pionus, Maximilian’s Pionus, Quakers, Indian Ringnecks, Green Cheeked Conures, Black Capped Conures, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Budgies, Canaries, Diamond Doves, Zebra Finches, Society F
When I met my husband, he loudly declared "I am a dog person, not an animal person!" Well that was a load of hooey. fortunately for me. Sometimes I forget though, that he did not grow up in a zoo, like I did. Today he took my GCC into the office to hang out with him - all day. I forgot to pay attention to anything other than making sure the dog didn't go in there. Now my husband was not all too sure about bringing birds into the house, but he went along with it and now his fondness for them cost my poor baby his lunch! Haha, he is fine but it is a huge victory for me that my husband is coming around so fast!
At least he learn to like them instead of some people never liking them. So that's a good victory!!!! :)
It seems a lot of men end up liking parrots, even if they thought they didn't. Great that it's working out so well!! (all except for the fact that he is stealing your bird from you, LOL)
my husband Dave was totally against me having birds in the beginning. now he has his favourites, and I catch him going into the bedroom to pat them.

Silver- maybe he is discovering birds aren't so bad, ha ha
I once told a work colleague about a cat looking for a new home. I drove her around there after work, she liked the cat, I had my cat carrier in the back of my car, lent it to her and she went home with a cat.

Her husband reacted with "we should have talked about this" (yes, he was right), however by bedtime when she asked whether he was coming to bed he responded with "Soon, I just want to stay and play with the cat for a bit longer" :D

I think you'd have to be a bit odd not to get won over by a bird once they start working on you to love them.

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