I have gotten numerous updates on Mac, for the first week, it was a might tough to read the emails and view the videos and pictures of Mac with his new family. But now it's getting a bit easier to accept. He seems very happy as do his new owners. They have been able to do things with Mac that took me quite a while to do. His feathers are coming in nicely and he seems to be leaving them alone without them having to stay up with him all night.
Now here is the real kicker: Since Mac's departure, both my wife and I have seen such a drastic change in Tiki our Senegal. My wife even commented that we can't even tell we have a bird in the house. Tiki was rambunctious to say the least when Mac was here and was constantly chattering, screaming and chirping. She also was quite moody and wanted to nip and bite quite frequently. But since Mac has left, Tiki has calmed down considerably. She is no longer moody, noisy and has been down right sweet as sugar to everyone. She has always been my baby, but some times she could make a preacher cuss up a blue streak. But for the past two weeks, she has been a complete joy.
So I figure there has to be one of a few things going on here and that is:
1. She saw Mac go out the door and not come back so she is laying low trying to be seen and not heard
2. She is in a honeymoon phase since she is back to being the only bird in the house.
3. or (and this is my feeling) that she didn't particularly care for Mac and she has been rebelling for the past two years and now that he's no longer around, she's happy with that.
I know Mac and Tiki didn't particularly like one another and were tolerant of each others company at best. So with Mac flourishing in his new environment and Tiki showing a complete change of personality since Mac has left makes me less sad and heart broken and figure it may very well have been the best thing for both of them.