Wow. I don’t know what to say. I guess I’ll share my story. My heart bleeds for you and your family.
I’m Billie Birds mom. He passed away 3 days after Christmas of 2018. I was returning home after picking up my kiddos from their fathers home. My oldest son (15) had to use the bathroom really bad so he ran into the house very fast and straight for his bathroom. Billie Bird always greeted us upstairs in the kitchen. But when my son was running so fast all the way upstairs, Billie Bird wanted to see what all the commotion was about. He flew to follow him and when my son shut the bathroom door...... Billie Bird got slammed in the door.
It’s hard for me to type this. My middle son (13) started screaming and I knew something was wrong. Billie Bird was able to fly downstairs and land on top of his perch on top of his cage. I witnessed this and thought, “ok, maybe he’s fine” But then he fell off from the top of his perch. I told my 13yo to please pick Billie Bird up and just hold him calmly while I go upstairs and talk to my 15yo and my 10yo. I knew I had to remain calm and tell everyone that there is no one to blame and that we all need to be around Billie Bird at this time. We went downstairs and my 13yo started screaming again while he was holding Billie Bird in his arms, “HES NOT BREATHING RIGHT, HELP, PLEASE HELP” As I went over to pick up Billie Bird he had a seizure in my sons arms. It was horrific.
I gently took Billie Bird and snuggled him in my arms with all my kiddos hugging me, hugging each other and petting Billie Bird and saying wonderful things about him. I knew he had passed away right after the seizure but was not ready to let the kids know just yet. Or maybe I wasn’t ready to accept her death. After about 45 minutes of what was so painful yet so beautiful, I felt the warmth of life leave the little body and Billie Bird no longer shared the warmth with me.
I then told the kiddos that he just now passed. My 13yo opened the sliding door and said that he’s letting Billie Birds soul leave the house so he can go fly to heaven with the other birds. We filmed the aftermath because I wanted to document what I saw. I was examining his body and saw where the injuries where. I felt it important to do this with the kids watching so they can learn and not be scared of death. Anywho..... it was horrible and we talk about him every day. This was about 8 months ago and although we shared only 2.5 years together, this has been the most painful experience in my life. My life is another story. Let’s just say I’ve experienced a lot of misery.
I know this story won’t help and maybe it will make you feel worse. I want you to know you’re not alone. Get all the tears, anger, regret and “what ifs” out. Let it out. There are some interesting videos on YouTube on how to deal with the loss of a pet that I found very helpful. However it will not make me miss Billy bird any less and I can assume you’ll always miss your GCC. Sending you a very warm and heartfelt virtual hug.
