My gray gone quite


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Feb 15, 2011
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Hi every one,

I own a beautiful timneh gray african. I bought him from a pet shop two months ago. He was a very active bird with lots of energy. He learnt many words only in few days. He was a source of entertainment to all; especially in the morning when his cage got uncovered. Then comes my nightmare. I clipped his wings around ten days back and ever since he stopped talking. He is just sitting idle without making any sort of noise. He doesn’t even look sick; eats and drink fine. I try to talk to him but to no avail. He used to whistle all the times and now he just serious and quite all the times. My heart aches when I see him. I feel guilt that may be because of me he is like that. I would have freed him if he had wings. I don’t know what to do. Please advice.
and one more thing - he makes a husky scream ever since.
Welcome to the forum! Poor guy. Clipping could be stressing him. Did you clip him yourself? I wonder if maybe you clipped him wrong and he is painful. Could you take a pic of his wings closed and opened? This way we can see if it is done correct.
aww poor thing, i'd say stress to :( was your bird flighted before??
like greycloud said, maybe the clip wasn't done correctly, or the stress of having it done. does he stll let you handle him?
1. Has he ever had his wings clipped before?
2. Did you do the clipping, if so have you clipped wings before?
3. TAKE HIM TO THE VET if there are any signs of distress. Birds like any wild animal will not show signs of illness usually until it's to late because being in the wild, sick animals don't live long and are preyed upon by other animals. So they hide it. Even breed birds have that fear in them.

Awwwww, he'll get over it in time. It sounds to me like he's pouting and I'm sure your showing him it's getting to you. They are perceptive just like a child is. Ignore him, stop talking to him. Feed him and walk away and see if that helps after a few days.

I've seen personality changes in birds after they've been clipped and also after they can fly again. I think you should see the vet just be sure, but flying or not is a big thing to adjust to.
yea get him checked, but he could just be bit flat cause he knows his wings are clipped archie our alexandrine. his wings were clipped when we got him he didnt make a sound for few months once his feathers started growing bck and he was able to fly a bit now we cnt stop him talking lol
This is weird but it definitely relates.

I have a shih-tzu named Tucker. When Tucker's hair is long (not super long but not shaved) he thinks he doesn't have to listen all the time... but when he is shaved he is an angel. I think that birds might go through this behavior cycle also. But just in case I would recommend getting him/her checked out by an avian veterinarian.
I full agree - take him to the vet to check that one of the feathers havent spilt and could be causing pain. What kind of toys do you have in the cage? You might find that he could of been entertaining because he could fly and felt busy but now he might feel that he cant do anything. You might have to spend extra extra quality time teaching him to play with toys and climb around. Do you have a playgym? Whats your routine like?
I hate that for you I know the enjoyment we all get from our birds. My grey has never been clipped but I've been considering it lately...Im the only family member she has anything to do with and now if im not in the room she just flies to my voice around the house all these type stories have me afraid to do it.
When I used to clip my macaw, he would be mad at me for a longggg time not making any noise. Ignore me, etc. But he got over it after awhile. If your really worried you should bring him to the vet to have him checked over to make sure he's ok.
African Greys are masters of the cold shoulder. I'd say he's a little miffed, but he'll come around again.
I hate that for you I know the enjoyment we all get from our birds. My grey has never been clipped but I've been considering it lately...Im the only family member she has anything to do with and now if im not in the room she just flies to my voice around the house all these type stories have me afraid to do it.

if your gray flies to you, when his clipped he'll try running to you whats to stop ppl from walking on him or shutting doors on him??:eek: althought i do understand why ppl clip there birds, i personnally would feel really mean to do that to mine. plus i know she won't ever forgive me, cos she loves her limited freedom flight gives her in the house :30:

if his happy and content why do something that'll make him sad :( or worse break his trust in you
If your careful with opening and closing of exterior doors why bother clipping? You MUST follow extreme precaution though for not clipping. Im very anal about things so I've got that
calzican id make sure ur 200% before you do anything as itl be a long while before he can fly again Archie cant wait to fly again i can just see it when i look at him

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