My first bird


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
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2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
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5 Cockatiels
When I was young my mother took my sister and I back east to visit relatives. We drove an old Nash Rambler from Los Angeles to Illinois and Missouri.

I remember it was summer and near the 4th of July. A tornado came through while we were there and after it was over we found a baby Robin (male)
on the ground underneath a tree.

Our family being of German descent we gave the bird a German name.
We called him “smutsiga Fogel” (I may have the spelling wrong) which means dirty bird. He made the most spectacular poops,
nothing like the relatively civilized ones our parrots make.

For food we would go to fishing supply stores and buy grub worms. We “smuggled” him all the way back to Los Angeles in a shoe box. :o

He had injured one of his wings in his fall from the tree but being very young it healed quickly.
The injured wing did not heal perfectly though so he always had one wing that would sag down making him look a bit crooked.

Having a Robin in Los Angeles was a problem at that time. There were no wild robins in the area so we did not want to release him into the wild
where he would never find a mate or a flock.
We kept him for about a year until we could go on vacation in Oregon and release him there (where there were wild robins).

My grandparents lived there and we would go there for vacation almost every year.

We would take his cage outside and open the door to let him go. At first he would fly around but come back to the cage.
After a couple of times however he flew off and did not come back to the cage. It made us a bit sad but we knew it was the right thing to do.

For several years after that we would see him in the area, his sagging wing would always make him stand out.
True story.
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What a touching story that is! Thank you for sharing your experience with your baby Robin. I'm sure it was hard letting him go, and bittersweet when you'd see him in the area again.
nice story! I have one also lol.. I might have been 10 yrs old and Mary ellen,my neighbor,came over with a BABY that fell out of its nest.
It turned out to be a common female English sparrow.
I named her "Chii Chii" because of the chirp/sound she made.

Chii Chii was kept in a parakeet cage,and she sat in a robin nest I had found after a storm on the ground. My mom got in touch with someone <cant remember> on what/how to feed her,she was just a baby,barely with her first set of cloths on. We were told to make a mixture of a baby formula,using corn meal,ground up grubs :11: and egg whites,and I fed her using a plastic spoon.
She thrived and grew into adulthood. I would let her out before I went to school,and when I got home,she'd be waiting in a tree for me,fly down to me and go inside the house for the night.
We took her with us on vacation to Lake Champlain in South Alberg VT. She once flew all the way across the lake,and my grampa had to get in a little motor boat and go rescue her from the other side lol and she flew right to him.
She was even featured in our local newspaper. I have a clipping of me,standing at the news desk,with her on my hand,wings beating as I spoon fed her.
Sadly,one summer day,she and I were outside and she was walking on the grass eating grubs and such,and I didn't know that one of Mary Ellens cats was stalking Chii Chii. The cat pounced on the bird before I knew it and had Chii Chii in its mouth :31:
I was able to rescue her from the cat,but sadly,the fright of that experience killed her :( She is buried in my back yard.
I will try and scan the article and post it with the picture. Chii Chii was vindicate not long after,the cat,"Fluffy",was struck and killed by a car.

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Lovly stories abiut your first birds Texsize and Jim its truly wonderful how these little creatures imprint their love onto our hearts... thanks for sharing the stories bring back memories to me too :)
Texsize, thank you for sharing a wonderful story! Birds never cease to amaze me with their adaptability. It must have made you so happy to know you did the right thing by returning him to his natural environment. I'm glad you were able see him for a few years after his release.

Jim, thanks for sharing your story. Respect, I don't know if I would have had the necessary resolve to mix ground grubs into the baby formula. Sorry your story had such a sad ending for Chii Chii and for Fluffy. Mother Nature can be cruel.

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