My dear dear Finley is being re-homed to an avian refuge due to neurological issues

Thank you everyone. I appreciate everyone's kind words and you're right I probably shouldn't take a break from the forums. I might not post anything serious for a bit until I feel better but I'm going to read and enjoy you all, perhaps it will cheer me up. I do plan to do a tribute to Finley on our story thread.
I'm so sorry to hear about this. Looking at the rocky start with lil' Fin it does make sense especially being from a lack of nutrients.

You've done FAR more than any other person would do for their bird and he knows you love him.

Whatever happens in regards to him you're doing anything you're doing for him, not for you, not for Ollie, not for some person. It's a decision you're making only in the best interest of Finley. You've done so much in terms of trying to help him but if he has reached the point that even his mummy can be a cause for him to freak out like that when he has an episode then I think it's going to be better to have him in an environment where he doesn't need to contend with humans and can just focus himself on being a bird and living a bird life.

Don't ever think of this as you giving up on him because it's not. You're doing this for him and in no way are you doing it for yourself.
That is pure genius btw: making all those toys for the other parrots at home and you own bird can "help" as well: bonding time for you two as well as helping out.

A few years ago I had to decide to "kill" / euthenize my african grey D. not because she was on the brink of death, but she was really suffering (probably could have gone on doing just that for years and years) and the available medication just made things worse.

Choosing what is best for your bird over what you would like is always heartbreaking - so (it sounds corny, sorry) I am proud of you!!
Yes, you will always have moments of secondguessing and they will be painfull, but you did it!
"Bird's needs first- mine later" :60:

Plze don't go anywhere, I would love to hear if and how Finley settles in and how you all are doing. It's never easy if a bird leaves 'home', let us be there for you a little bit.
Random thought... but has his blood pressure ever been checked?
No. I don't believe so. I have already given him up but am going to go visit him tomorrow and can ask them to get it checked because he's getting another full vet workup this week from their vet. Why do you ask?
Someone else mentioned similar behavior with a conure they have, and after they checked blood pressure and put bird on blood pressure medication, the bird has been doing a *lot* better, behavior wise.
I went to visit dear Finley today. He was in extremely good spirits and wanted nothing more than to be with me. He literally did not care about treats, my husband or anything or anyone else for the 3 hours we were there and only nipped at me a couple of times when I tried to remove him from my shoulder (which is fair enough). In some ways it makes things harder and in some ways it makes me feel like I have actually done something right with him while he was in my care. I will see him again next Saturday. I miss him very very much.
My husband and I also helped out a bit around the Avian Refuge. He moved some really big cut up logs around with a 4-wheeler and a trailer and also cut some perches for giant Macaw sized play stands because they chew them up and they need to be replaced often. Me...I spend about 2 1/2 hours with Finley glued to my shoulder and 30 minutes washing bird food and water bowls but had to leave Finley inside because he is only on day 5 /30 of quarantine . My gosh are there a lot of my my. If you have never been to a bird sanctuary I would recommend it because it's just like "wow". I plan to go into more details as time goes on but I am still pretty sad about this whole thing so I will save that for when I resurrect my story thread..if I am ever able to even look at that thread again after all of this...

Finley and I today:
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Desi, I'm so sorry. I've been following your adventures with Finley and Ollie for a long time, so it makes my heart ache to see it have to go this way but after reading what you have been through, seeing the threats where Finley is still biting and acting strange, it makes total sense. You literally did everything you could to make him happy, and you tried SO many things we suggested, but in the end, it seems he was not quite wired right internally.

I really really think you have done an amazing thing for him. It's like another chance at a normal life for him. I'm so glad you are able to visit him and he still recognizes you. And he may perk up even more after quarantine when he is able to mingle with the other birds and socialize.

I'm glad your CAV gave you this option, instead of offering to euthanize him. Now, he can be happy and free but also gets to still see you. I think this is great, and this decision you have made for him shows your level of compassion, commitment and love for Finley. Never forgotten, always remembered, fly free and rest easy now, Finley! I'll be waiting to see more visit pictures!
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Oh Desi!! I feel so awful for you! Like so many others I have followed your story and I was shocked when I saw the subject of this thread. After reading through your posts and hearing the details.... wow, you are amazing.

Finley is so lucky you were the one that brought him home. I can't even imagine what a tragic life (probably a terribly short one) he would have had if not for you. Now, he's going to have a lovely life in the sanctuary with plenty of space and good care. Best of all, he still gets to see the human he loves most when you come to visit. The annual payment to ensure he has a good home is a sacrifice most people wouldn't make I think. On Finley's behalf, I thank you for all you have done and are doing. On my behalf, I thank you for sharing your stories, your pictures, your wisdom and your feelings with all of us. I'm glad you aren't taking a break from these forums. I'd miss you. :)

Good luck and don't beat yourself up. You're a beautiful, kind and loving soul and you're the best thing that could have ever happened to little Finley. :)
@itzjbean and @squeekmouse

Thank you so much you guys. I really really appreciate you're kind and empowering words. This is so hard on my heart and the support everyone has shown is really one of the other things besides my husband and Ollie that is able to help me through this tough time. I'm sure visiting him probably isn't helping me move on (maybe it is?) and try to get through it but it's really really good for Finley. I hope this gets easier with time.

(((hugs)))... Finley is so blessed to have you, looking out for what is in his best interest.
Sunny, my heart breaks for you. Finley is lucky to have you. I'm glad you have decided to stay on the forum. You have a unique experience and a powerful voice. I for one would miss you. I have and will continue to follow your story.

P.S. That husband of yours is a keeper!
Hugs to you and Fin, I am so sorry to see this after being away for so many weeks and my heart hurts for you.

However two things struck me as I read this thread:

First, you haven't really 'given him up,' or become his *former* parront. Yes, of course it hurts to not see him every day but that doesn't negate his love for you or you for him. My SIL, when she found out she had breast cancer, had to make the hard decision of letting her severely retarded 21 yr old son live in a home with 4 other young people with developmental challenges that was more appropriate for him to live in as an adult, because they simply couldn't handle him and her illness. We all knew that was the best place for him as an adult, but it took something else to make her see it. The decision was for him, not for her and my BIL. They are still his parents, and they still love him. Now, 3 years later -- he is very happy and we all still see him because he gets weekends at his parents' whenever they want, and my SIL is well and in fact more healthy than I have ever seen her.

Second, besides this being best for Fin, it's resulting in you helping other birds that need it. You never know but, maybe someday you will be able to become even more involved, maybe you were meant to be there, maybe someday you will save a parrot's life because of what you've learned.

Anyway - we're all behind you and looking forward to hearing how he and you are continuing to adjust. x
Sanctuary Life

I know you found a good place for your Finley. There is a parrot sanctuary about 10 minutes near us that I visit often. Some of the birds are for adoption and some are not. I have visited often and always come away thinking that they are all so happy there! I don't know that I could give any one of them a better life than they have there. They have prepared meals that show a lot of thought and all eat with gusto. Most are the big birds...Cockatoos, Amazons, Macaws and Greys. The little ones get adopted quickly. They are adopted with the understanding that if it doesn't work out, they can come back to the sanctuary. It's a small sanctuary...30 birds at most. They make sure the birds will have a better life if they are allowed to leave. They have a good life there. So take heart. Finley might have his best years ahead of him.
Okay so I linked my story thread because I have decided to take Finley back home. You can read the details in above link. Sorry if it was confusing. Thank you for your kind words.

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