My Conure may not survive. Advice needed...

Thanks for the support, Laurasea and Scott. As I said it has been sewn up but am worried there may be a systemic infection as Scott as mentioned. A lot of what has been said makes sense.I will apply all that you have mentioned and message the vet. Laura I haven't managed to find a digital scale yet but found a ceramic lamp heater to keep Stitch warm.
I never had time or money to become a vet. But I've been knee deep in animals since I was toddler. Grew up next to an old school horse breeder, who treated most things in old time ways...and i read a lot ! Lol as my MG keeps me stuck in a chair 90% of the time...this forum is enough for me! I feel deeply for each sick one here, I can't handle more stress
Nothing replaces needed antibiotics or antifungal. But anything alive wants to stay alive, and support care , and time , are very important!!

I defo agree with a YouTube channel!
So finally I have found a good avian vet who upon inspection discovered and removed an abscess and sutured him (as mentioned by @Laurasea). According to him the previous vet had sutured the crop restrictively.

I have been supplied with a course of ampicillin/multivits/pain killers.

It was horrific to watch what poor Stitch went through but hopefully is on the mend now!





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What a relief, hope Stitch completes recovery swiftly and comfortably!
What a relief, hope Stitch completes recovery swiftly and comfortably!

Thanks so much, Scott. I can't have come this far without yourself and @Laurasea! I've uploaded some pics^
You are getting there! And you are fighting fir yiur freind and giving him every chance!!!

I'm feeling really good about this last surgery!!! Did vet prescribe antibiotics?

But now you have got to baby him all the way. Little feedings of baby bird formula all day long. I can tell he has list weight. He us reaching the limit if his reserves and what his body can tolerate. Keep him warm. Keep him caged except for live sessions. Keep quiet no stress. And feed him every 2 or so hours during the day, as he tolerates, nit to stretch crop and make sure stuff is moving. Watch those poops!!!! Us there good fecal matter? Are urates the thick creamy white parrot present?

If you are feeding formula, he might get enough fluids , that you could with hold the water as directed by your vet. Baby birds get tge water needs from formula. You want thick like greek yogurt formula.. Water is tricky fir leaks i understand...if you trust this vet. And really really watch the poops

What did vet advise about baby bird formula, volume and feeding intervals?
You might give tiny amounts more often ...

The skin looks healthy, surgeon removed sll the bad stuff. Csn yiu show hiw he looks stitched uo? I hope new vet told yiu to stop ointment. I would only use dilute betadine to clean. The ointment can migrate into the sutures would and prevent closing snd healing.

Edit: id probably pull all food. And only feed him formula for the 4 days. It will be easy on his crop. Its ok to add yogurt to formula tho or still feed a little of that. That's what I would do. But you have to be feeding him every couple of hours during the day. My burd who was so sick she ate nothing I was able to maintain onn4-5 feeding a day. But you will have to feed smaller amounts so might have to feed more times. Don't stress or stretch that crop!

Find some kind of scale that is accurate to the gram.

Please keep him in cage and rest. Yiu can get him out to love on but rest, is needed. I was re read your thread and read you had him out and flying. No. He is a critical patient. Needs rest and all your tender care.
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What a relief, hope Stitch completes recovery swiftly and comfortably!

Hey, Scott. Although I have 23 posts I'm still not seeing in the sent items box when I post a private message....
please be clear with your instructions from tge vet. Is he in iv fluids?????

I can't believe the instructions are zero food and zero water for 4 days.!!

I hope you reply quickly. I've had a rough day as I've just had treatments for a week in the hospital, and uts late here...m

I am not a veterinarian. Its very hard for me as a person not there and not fully understanding the limits of what a burd can endure. I will ask my vet Tomorrow if a burd can go 4 days with nothing.....
I'm so worried
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please be clear with your instructions from tge vet. Is he in iv fluids?????

I can't believe the instructions are zero food and zero water for 4 days.!!

I hope you reply quickly. I've had a rough day as I've just had treatments for a week in the hospital, and uts late here...m

I am not a veterinarian. Its very hard for me as a person not there and not fully understanding the limits of what a burd can endure. I will ask my vet Tomorrow if a burd can go 4 days with nothing.....
I'm so worried
Hey, Laura. Sorry no formula and liquids but he can have his seeds, etc.
What a relief, hope Stitch completes recovery swiftly and comfortably!

Hey, Scott. Although I have 23 posts I'm still not seeing in the sent items box when I post a private message....

The default setting doesn’t save outgoing private msgs!
To change,
Top bar ——- User CP
Left side —— Settings & Options——Edit Options
Middle page —-Messaging & Notifications—-Private Messaging

FYI, in the beginning, I resent my PM’s over and over because of this option being set to off!
I dont think they can go 4 days without liquids. Really Thick formula at least has moisture ...

What are poops looking like?

Cann yiu share a picture of how he looks sewn up ?
My heart is very much in Stichs story.
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What a relief, hope Stitch completes recovery swiftly and comfortably!

Hey, Scott. Although I have 23 posts I'm still not seeing in the sent items box when I post a private message....

The default setting doesn’t save outgoing private msgs!
To change,
Top bar ––- User CP
Left side –– Settings & Options––Edit Options
Middle page –-Messaging & Notifications–-Private Messaging

FYI, in the beginning, I resent my PM’s over and over because of this option being set to off!

Highly appreciated!
I dont think they can go 4 days without liquids. Really Thick formula at least has moisture ...

What are poops looking like?

Cann yiu share a picture of how he looks sewn up ?
My heart is very much in Stichs story.
Your heartfelt concern has been invaluable to both myself and Stitch. This chapter has your name written all over it.

My mothers friend, the vet, also echoed the remark - 4 days without liquids is okay.

I'll post pics tonight!

Stools are green and white. Neither loose nor hard.
Hey, Scott. Although I have 23 posts I'm still not seeing in the sent items box when I post a private message....

Have you tried resetting per David's (Flboy) suggestions? I'm not a mod because of computer skills lol and he's the best for such tips! But if still having PM difficulties, send me a PM and I'll have our admin assist.

No liquids for 4 days seems extreme, possibly the vet wants as little fluid in the crop as possible without sacrificing nutrition. If the droppings are normal, a good sign Stitch is properly supported.
Hey, Scott. Although I have 23 posts I'm still not seeing in the sent items box when I post a private message....

Have you tried resetting per David's (Flboy) suggestions? I'm not a mod because of computer skills lol and he's the best for such tips! But if still having PM difficulties, send me a PM and I'll have our admin assist.

No liquids for 4 days seems extreme, possibly the vet wants as little fluid in the crop as possible without sacrificing nutrition. If the droppings are normal, a good sign Stitch is properly supported.

Thanks, Scott. Yes stool is improving and it appears that the water he managed to drink with the antibiotics was sufficient. He is a lot more vocal and active. God willing he continues to improve to some normalcy. There's barely anything of his crop left but hopefully with time he can have a good quality of life.
Hey guys I returned home only to find Stitch at the pearly gates. I'll miss you , son.

Thanks for your support.
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that, my sincerest condolences to you. Take solace in knowing you did everything you could to save him, and that he knew he was loved. Fly free, little one.
You were a feathered light during dark times friend.



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Oh no, Rouya, I am sorry to hear of your loss of Stitch, my deepest sympathies to you. No matter how long or short a time they spend in our lives, they leave their mark forever upon our hearts.

Godspeed on your way to the Rainbow Bridge, lovely little Stitch, until we all meet again.
I’m so sorry

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