My clingy child


New member
Feb 18, 2015
Al khobar Saudi Arabia
16 month old Congo African grey called Leo
Hi all,
So we are trying everything possible to stop Leo from plucking,
We got a humidifier in the living room where he has his day cage, misting fan in his playroom, air purifier next to sleep cage
Showers everyday
Training sessions
Plenty of foraging toys (by the time he goes to bed his day cage looks like the end of a wild party)
I have noticed some changes, he's more active, chewing wood, paper etc, more vocal. I feel the beginning of some feathers in his back and neck.
However...he seems to want me all the time even when he's playing with toys he wants an audience
This morning he refused to go inside his cage for breakfast. I made the mistake of feeding him outside (playroom) then since I thought he must be hungry.
And later when I had to leave for a class he just wouldn't get off me so I could put him inside. I had to finally leave him in the cage in the playroom which I've never done before.
Now I'm thinking could his plucking /feather chewing be a result of clinginess? Are we spoiling him? This can't be healthy right?
Anyone gone through something similar? Any input will be appreciated
If he is used to constant attention and interaction then not getting that can lead to behavioral issues like the plucking.

What kind of structure/schedule do you have for him?
I am having a very similar instance with Jonesy, my 'too.. He seems VERY happy with me and Arleen,he talks,eats,plays and loves his lovin..but when we <Arllen and I> are in the kitchen playing cribbage,and The Cockatoo Man is on my shoulder or on a chair joining us,he will yoink at all his fluff!
At the end of the evening there is floor full of fluff! I cant figure it out.
Over stimulated/happy?? I don't know.

He doesn't do this while in the living room on his roof top when he is alone.

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He wakes up at 6 am with the girls, as they get ready for school he has his breakfast in the day cage in the living room but after he gets his head scratched for several minutes by whoever takes him out of the cage. He's very cuddly in the morning.
After the girls leave for school, I usually carry him room to room while I tidy up and then I eat breakfast in his playroom with him. After that he gets maybe half hour of playtime with me uninterrupted.
Then I sit down to study while he is supposed to be playing by himself but keeps wanting to fly to me and sometimes just sits on the back of my chair. And I don't completely ignore him so that's also his time with me.
After the girls come home he doesn't get my undivided attention but my older one gives him a shower and trains him in the evening.
Of course he is with us through out the day. But if we go out we put him in his day cage.
He goes to bed by 7:30.
All this routine was upside down in summer later bedtimes and longer sleep-ins. We travelled too. I don't know what made him start plucking.!

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