my canary laid an egg without a shell!

so I spoke with Lady today at length going over everything I feed my birds.
She said my canary should be getting sufficient vitamin d3 with everything, but did suggest to give my Prime Vitamins in the water rather than on the seed itself, or get liquid vitamins with vitamin D3.

She also said that sometimes canaries will lay an egg, if they are calcium deficient, they will eat the shell and leave the membrane and yolk behind. I never knew that!
I've been doing that for the past 3 weeks, along with the egg food, but without that vit.D it just won't absorb.

According to the article, birds need vit.D (D3) in their system in order to absorb calcium.
They get vit.D through:

-eggs, insects, cod liver oil ( not good/gets rancid after 15mn)

-a least 1 hour of direct sunlight per day

-powdered vit. D3

So the author gives his breeders Powdered vitD3, egg mix and direct sunlight added to their diet.

yes, would't you know it I just placed an order with them last week.
I'm going to check if vit d3 is in any of it.

Along with fresh eggs, the dry egg mixture I give them has Vit.D3 added to it.
According to the article, birds need vit.D (D3) in their system in order to absorb calcium.
They get vit.D through:

-eggs, insects, cod liver oil ( not good/gets rancid after 15mn)

-a least 1 hour of direct sunlight per day

-powdered vit. D3

So the author gives his breeders Powdered vitD3, egg mix and direct sunlight added to their diet.

yes, would't you know it I just placed an order with them last week.
I'm going to check if vit d3 is in any of it.

Along with fresh eggs, the dry egg mixture I give them has Vit.D3 added to it.

so I checked my liquid vitamins and it has vitamin D3 in it. this is interesting cause I changed from my liquid vitamins to the powdered Prime vitamins, a while back, maybe 2 months ago. never ever had a problem until now.
she also said I can put the Prime in the water, which I will do tonight.
looky at what I found....


I'm changing my mind after I read this and I will sprinkle it on their veggies instead.
yes, would't you know it I just placed an order with them last week.
I'm going to check if vit d3 is in any of it.

Along with fresh eggs, the dry egg mixture I give them has Vit.D3 added to it.

so I checked my liquid vitamins and it has vitamin D3 in it. this is interesting cause I changed from my liquid vitamins to the powdered Prime vitamins, a while back, maybe 2 months ago. never ever had a problem until now.
she also said I can put the Prime in the water, which I will do tonight.

I have Calcivet (liquid calcium) which has Vit.D3 in it...
Along with fresh eggs, the dry egg mixture I give them has Vit.D3 added to it.

so I checked my liquid vitamins and it has vitamin D3 in it. this is interesting cause I changed from my liquid vitamins to the powdered Prime vitamins, a while back, maybe 2 months ago. never ever had a problem until now.
she also said I can put the Prime in the water, which I will do tonight.

I have Calcivet (liquid calcium) which has Vit.D3 in it...

thanks echo, I will look into that, and possibly get some in the future....

yikes!, it's rather expensive, I would need the 5L jug with all of my birds, and I can't put out $200.00 + shipping, I guess I'll keep looking, it looks like a good product though :(
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