my budgie biting but it doesn't seem to be aggressively


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Mar 31, 2023
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heyy, it's been a while, haru does something weird and i wonder if anyone else goes through the same, my girl is really kind and affectionate and usually gives me light "pecks" playfully however sometimes when she step up on my hand or arm, she starts to bite me very hard, to the point where marks are left on my hand and she don't want to leave my hand, it's kinda hard to put her on a perch because of that but when i do she continues to act normally as if nothing had happened, ask for affection and try to step up on my hand again, i really try to react minimally about her bites, like whispering to her that everything is fine, does anyone else go through something similar?
heyy, it's been a while, haru does something weird and i wonder if anyone else goes through the same, my girl is really kind and affectionate and usually gives me light "pecks" playfully however sometimes when she step up on my hand or arm, she starts to bite me very hard, to the point where marks are left on my hand and she don't want to leave my hand, it's kinda hard to put her on a perch because of that but when i do she continues to act normally as if nothing had happened, ask for affection and try to step up on my hand again, i really try to react minimally about her bites, like whispering to her that everything is fine, does anyone else go through something similar?
I have exactly the same behavior with my five months old female budgie Rocky. I hand raised her but at about two months old she began nibbling on and biting at everything in sight including our fingers, any exposed skin, our ears, etc. She isn't fearful of anything, is very tame, flys to us all the time and is very attached to us, but I can't seem to stop the biting. She doesn't draw blood. If I need to put her back in her cage quickly I just pick her up with my hand over her body (she usually doesn't want to go back in) and put her back, and she doesn't bite hard when I do this. I don't think she's being mean. Shes been doing this since she was just weaned and fledged so it can't be hormonal. I just think it's normal female budgie behavior. If I want to protect my ears I just put my hood up. I've accepted her behavior and love her to bits so it's okay. The recommendations to "shun" her for a few minutes when she bites isn't really doable with Rocky because she flies very well even with her wings trimmed to prevent her from injuring herself or escaping. If I take her and put her somewhere when she bites and turn my back she'll just fly right to my shoulder or head as soon as I start walking away. I hope as she gets older she will calm down and sit quietly on me instead of feeling compelled to chew on us.

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