My boy is in mourning and I dont know how to console him

I’m so very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. And that you & your boy are suffering. :smile016: Like many have already said, please don't blame yourself.
You loved her so much and gave a her a wonderful, safe home.
I hope your boy doesn't grieve for too long. It's just heartbreaking, I'm so sorry!
Thank you for your best wishes, it's a comfort.

When he goes off on his mourning song too long, I put on clips of birds he might like. Other Bourke's (as long as it's not mate calling or chick stuff), splendids, cockatiels. Aviaries of small birds like The pheasantasiam.
They arent boisterous birds usually, so any soft singing birds and chirrupers.
I think maybe humans are a poor substitute for other birds, for these little guys. He seems to feel less alone , listening to them.

I try to call back to him, like she did. He would make some noises, and she would do a soft little chirp; single note. I cant though. She had such a soft little feminine voice when she did that :smile016:
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So sorry to hear of your loss. I am not only a bird owner but i also have 3 guinea pigs which were once two. Until one died and left one alone and the heartache that one felt with out it's partner was heartbreaking. The best thing to do was to get another mate for it and i was told to act quickly or it would die. I did and ended up with 2 more to add the one left behind. As hard as it was getting another mate i felt like i was replacing our beloved pet that had died so quickly while heartbroken i was doing it in the best interest of my pet that was more heartbroken than us. We got another mate for him and the transformation was amazing. I questioned whether they would fight or the other would not take too it but i could not of been more wrong. While some pets do survive on there own if they have been around a cage mate for quite some time then i would highly recommend purchasing a new cage mate for your bird. A new companion. Birds are extremely smart as you know and yes most likely he could sense there was something wrong with your beloved bird that passed his reason for feather biting him. Do try to get another cage mate for him if you can x

As much as I want to do it for him, I cannot afford to get him a companion bird right now.

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