Probably hard to say until you bring home the new bird and see how they react. I didn't expect my amazon to fall in love with the new Grey, but he did!
I have a 12 year old female Nanday conure, a 28 year old (probably male) Yellow Crowned Amazon, and a 21 year old female Congo African Grey. When my conure was still young though, she hated another bird coming into my house. She was very mean to the Blue Crown conure that passed away, when I first got her, and was mean as well to my sister's Meyer's parrot. Eventually she became friends with the BC. Then when the BC died, she was depressed, and quite welcoming to the amazon when he moved in a couple months ago. She has been very welcoming as well to the Grey, who just came Saturday. And the amazon fell head over heels in love with the Grey, lol!
If your bird is a spoiled only baby, it may be upset for awhile to see the new bird. Or it may be thrilled to have a bird flock mate. But, even if the initial homecoming isn't good, they may come to enjoy each other through time.
LOL awww they sound cute lol na i got heaps of birds i have 1 avary and one realy big cage and i have my bourke and my quail in the big cage and 2 finches and anather quail in the avary. i love my other 2 finches sudenly. and i have 2 budgies inside who are brother and sister and they love each other lol