My birds slightly abused


New member
Nov 19, 2019
So I have had these two birds for three years but they used to be caught in towels and forces to be heals and forces our of they're cage, I think they might be traumatized by that any tips?

Another this is we got five more birds that my birds got close with but we got rid of them due to noise and I think my birds will never trust me again, help?

Birds are parakeets, one male, one female, most likely not mates.
The title of your thread suggests a cause of difficulties. Do I understand you judge your birds to be "slightly abused?

I am not familiar with parakeets and wonder if you have tried other methods of handling? Birds respond better to gentle and consistent methods. This thread offers techniques for building trust:

All birds make noise, it is a method of communicating. Small birds produce less volume, not sure you are going to find anything more manageable than a parakeet.
Get more than a couple of parakeets in a room together and the volume can quickly get to be as bad or worse than any larger bird, I have only ever toweled mine one time, they seem not to remember or care but I certainly would not do so as a constancy. Use food to develop trust, much better for both of you, and for the relationship. I know a lot is made of a parrots memory, but I think that recent good treatment will eventually overrule old bad treatment, get those birds on a decent diet, and a healthy relationship building program and I bet they respond wonderfully...that being said, it won't be a transformation you will see by the end of the weekend or anything, it will take time, and being consistent.

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