My baking buddy!


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
View attachment 10410

"I'll just lurk around up here until that banana bread is done. You can put the pan in my cage to, erm, "cool" :09:"
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How adorable:) So was banana bread shared?
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Between my husband and Kiwi, there might be a slice left for me for desert :11: The men folk around here consume baked goods at an astonishing rate :09:
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He is so beautiful!! So bright and healthy looking!

Mine also looooves banana bread :)

What parrot doesn't love banana bread? Heck, they don't even need to be in bread. Kiwi was tearing into the bananas before I peeled them, which is why he got to hang out up in the cabinet instead (after eating his fill of course). BTW, he loves being up in the cabinet, he likes to go hang out on the side with the closed door, it's his little cave in the kitchen (I always love explaining to guests who go to grab a glass or something why I have random toys in my kitchen cabinet).

Percy is a beautiful blue front too. He actually has some substantial blue on his front! Kiwi just has a splash :green:

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