My 3 clones! :p

Ooooo Tab! I so love your approach with horses! I wish we lived closer together: I could visit you and we could talk horses for ages on end!

I am amazed that you worked out your training methods with Kitai as cleverly as you did. Most people would have had him in a martingale and gag in a heartbeat, but you've used your head and clearly found the way that works for him. THAT's the way you do it! Kitai will grow to trust you completely because of this and will continue to give you his all. :)

(Psst! I have a particularly soft spot for Kitai because he's a baby, because he's a thoroughbred and because he's had such a rough trot with his feet etc. Please give him an extra kiss from Aunty Trisha, won't you?)

My sister's QH's are continuing to give her grief. Chippy's nail puncture healed up and then abscessed in the toe of the same foot! He's been out of work now for nine weeks. The foal, Reuben, kicked the wall of his stable and was 'lucky' to find the weak, rusted spot in the corrugated iron wall. He sliced a slice off the inside of his hindleg and split the flesh to the bone. Miraculously, he managed not to slice into the tendon sheath, so it's only a flesh wound and not something more serious. Still, his leg is swollen to twice it's proper width and is still draining lymph and we don't know why.

In addition, dear little Reuben's testes hadn't yet descended, so Francie hasn't been able to have him gelded. He's turning into a stallion before our very eyes and is rearing and boxing and biting and basically being a pain in the quince. It's funny while he's still small (12hh), but won't be all that funny if he keeps growing like a weed. Just last week, he struck my sister with his foreleg and effectively lamed her for a week! LOL!

As 'luck' would have it, the testes descended the day after the leg injury, but of course, he's too compromised to be having surgery while the leg's still draining. Sigh. It seems to me QHs bring bad luck. I've never had a thoroughbred with so many accidents and injuries!

The other thing is that we've had pretty constant rain all winter and so the paddock is muddy and swampy and the horses' hooves are beginning to suffer. My dear sister, bless 'er little 'eart, purchased nine metric tonnes of packing sand and shovelled it with her own dear little handies (along with those of her husband, daughters and two nieces) into the paddock and riding yard. Now, the guys have good firm footing and a place to go when the water rises from the creek.

Another clever thing she's done is to make a round yard out of old pallets. All you do is bolt them together and they make a perfect fence about four foot high. You can drive star posts in to make the fence permanent, or you can move it around like meccano if you have enough people to help. Francie strung an electric tape along the top and it's keeping the foal in and even Chippy when he's feeling fine. Might be an idea for Klaatu?

My Roxie is sleeping on my feet and farting approximately every five minutes. I must go and open the window... :22_yikes:
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Ooooo Tab! I so love your approach with horses! I wish we lived closer together: I could visit you and we could talk horses for ages on end!

I am amazed that you worked out your training methods with Kitai as cleverly as you did. Most people would have had him in a martingale and gag in a heartbeat, but you've used your head and clearly found the way that works for him. THAT's the way you do it! Kitai will grow to trust you completely because of this and will continue to give you his all.

(Psst! I have a particularly soft spot for Kitai because he's a baby, because he's a thoroughbred and because he's had such a rough trot with his feet etc. Please give him an extra kiss from Aunty Trisha, won't you?)

My sister's QH's are continuing to give her grief. Chippy's nail puncture healed up and then abscessed in the toe of the same foot! He's been out of work now for nine weeks. The foal, Reuben, kicked the wall of his stable and was 'lucky' to find the weak, rusted spot in the corrugated iron wall. He sliced a slice off the inside of his hindleg and split the flesh to the bone. Miraculously, he managed not to slice into the tendon sheath, so it's only a flesh wound and not something more serious. Still, his leg is swollen to twice it's proper width and is still draining lymph and we don't know why.

In addition, dear little Reuben's testes hadn't yet descended, so Francie hasn't been able to have him gelded. He's turning into a stallion before our very eyes and is rearing and boxing and biting and basically being a pain in the quince. It's funny while he's still small (12hh), but won't be all that funny if he keeps growing like a weed. Just last week, he struck my sister with his foreleg and effectively lamed her for a week! LOL!

As 'luck' would have it, the testes descended the day after the leg injury, but of course, he's too compromised to be having surgery while the leg's still draining. Sigh. It seems to me QHs bring bad luck. I've never had a thoroughbred with so many accidents and injuries!

The other thing is that we've had pretty constant rain all winter and so the paddock is muddy and swampy and the horses' hooves are beginning to suffer. My dear sister, bless 'er little 'eart, purchased nine metric tonnes of packing sand and shovelled it with her own dear little handies (along with those of her husband, daughters and two nieces) into the paddock and riding yard. Now, the guys have good firm footing and a place to go when the water rises from the creek.

Another clever thing she's done is to make a round yard out of old pallets. All you do is bolt them together and they make a perfect fence about four foot high. You can drive star posts in to make the fence permanent, or you can move it around like meccano if you have enough people to help. Francie strung an electric tape along the top and it's keeping the foal in and even Chippy when he's feeling fine. Might be an idea for Klaatu?

My Roxie is sleeping on my feet and farting approximately every five minutes. I must go and open the window... :22_yikes:

Thank you!!! :D

Oh there have been times when i thought i needed a stronger bit for Kyros, but then the next day he is perfect :rolleyes: So i have always just worked with a basic type bit with all 3 of them!

Couldn't even try side reins with Kitai, i had them on the last hole, but he wouldn't go for it.. Wouldn't even take a step forward when i tried lunging him with them! :11:

I have a soft spot for Kitai too :09: He has overcome alot and he has the biggest heart!

OH my gosh!!!! Chippy and Reuben have competitions to see who can damage themselves the worst? :eek:

I thought i was unlucky, but your poor sister has even worse luck! At least my guys never injure themselves at the same time.. They take it in turns so there are always 2 healthy ones! :p

How old is Reuben now? Was he just late to drop?
Mums new friesian apparently was late to drop both (probably because of how malnourished he was -_- ) so the lady ended up with 4 of her mares in foal, and then they had to put him in surgery to cut up into him to find the second teste i believe!

How long will it take for his injury to heal? He is very lucky he didn't do more damage, especially considering it went as deep as the bone! Ouch!

You know mum had one QH, and he was the easiest horse we have EVER had.. He got put down when he was 27, and he never once had an injury!

Mum's friend has a very expensive quarter horse, and he just had colic about a month ago, and it ended up costing her over 10 000 dollars in surgery to save his life :eek:

Oh wow, that is dedication!!! It hasn't been raining much here actually! All pretty dry! Dad is hoping to get holidays off work soon so he can build mum a new paddock for Duvall and then hire a big dozer thingy to level the arena and hopefully sand it!

It is VERY uneven at the moment, i can only use half of it which is a bit tricky sometimes :54:

The problem with Klaatu, is he jumps over the fence and doesn't touch it.. We have electric fence in their paddock, all the way around, and he just clears it.. Their fence is about 1.20m -_-

HAHAHAHA Roxie was obviously very comfortable ! hehe

I just finished riding Kitai, got some new pics i will upload tonight!

His cantering is so huge.. He has a bigger canter than Kyros does.. But i think it is because he was never really taught how to.. So he is so long and gangly hahaha

OH!!!! Did i tell you that i found a video of Kitai racing?!?!?! It is so cool..

He stayed at the back, and then on the stretch BAM! Overtook everyone and came third ;)

I will find the video link for you when i get back!

Just gotta go feed everyone now!
Kyros, is like wolverine or something, he has amazing healing skills :eek:

It was a bit infected, and i have been washing it out, putting disinfectant stuff on it, wrapping it...

and in 2 days, it had completely cleared up, lovely healthy pink skin, the dead skin then opened up to show how big it actually was... I thought it was a straight slice, but it actually was about 1.5 - 2cm thick... :(

So, clean, bandage.. Next day i took it off to clean, and it had already shrunk and started to close up :eek:

I think it will only be a week or 2 with the rate he is healing!!!

Uber cool points for referencing Wolverine!
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Hahaha Stephen i WISH he was wolverine though.. Would make alot easier if they were all immortal and didn't injure themselves ;)

Kitai's ride this afternoon!! Trotting now! Cantering he is still trying to figure out his balance, he isn't very good at cantering yet!

Not very rounded i know, but at least his head isn't high in the sky!!

All 3 boys after Kitai's ride ;)


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