*must vent* hate the hormones!!!


New member
Mar 19, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Dallas and Tsukasa (Cockatiels)
Mango and Munchlax (Peach Faced Lovebirds)
munch is determined as all heck.

i don't know what else is there to do about her hormones.

she has laid 2 clutches already this year. last year she laid one egg and ignored it, and it was the end of it.

this year she laid 6 eggs off perches and broke them all. stopped for a week, then started up again. after the first few broke, we gave her a nest, which she laid in and sat on 4. she laid a total of 13 eggs this year.

we have full spectrum lighting to be sure she is getting the proper calcium and vitamin D3 for laying, we make sure she gets extra calcium (when she starts showing signs of laying we give her powdered cuttlebone, powdered egg shells, and powdered pellets on her veggies to be sure she gets that extra boost).

we remove anything she sees as a nest, we rearrange the cage, we remove anything she shreds and turns into nest materials.

but nothing we do stops her. she will turn the cage corner into a nest. she takes her SEED HULLS and turns them into nest material if desperate enough. which is why now we only give shelless sunflower seeds! she turns millet into nest material. if desperate enough, i've seen her turn veggies into nest material (she shreds it and tucks it and puts it in the cage corner).

all her shredding falls through the cage grate and is picked up daily but nope it doesnt stop the hormones.

this starts up in october every year. it dies down, which i am hoping it dies down soon. i am very tired with the hormones!! i want to be able to change her food and water without having a little turquoise feather ball charging and latching onto my fingers. she has already got me bad to the bone a month ago and i now have a scar for life (no joke there either--she got me in the knuckle)

we have tried long nights, but she wakes up at sunrise, whether she is covered or not! we have been putting her to bed earlier now, but with it being light outside it's very hard to get her to actually have full darkness by that time.

i want to try a small sleeping cage, as it will be MUCH easier to give her complete darkness in, but i worry she will just see a small dark cage as a nest.... thoughts on this one?

her cage she is in is 56"long 19"tall 19"deep and we try to keep the bottom open so there is no "nests" but it dont matter.

she has shredded rope perches and cannot have those any longer. she has started to shred her MANZANITA swing, which she was debarking and making into a nest, so we took it away... i caught her earlier this morning trying to strip her fleece ledge too. i have to adjust that so she cant... wish me luck!

i have taken away before any perch she shredded and any toy, she doesnt have anything to shred left, she has a few manzanita perches that she so far has been unable to shred (these ones dont have bark like the swing did). all her toys are made from materials she cannot take apart and make into nests.

we took her nest away last week and got rid of the eggs, because they were cracked and went bad... plus it had been over a month she was sitting on them.

she went to normal until yesterday. now it's kicking back up again and she is charging me in her cage.

i just wanted to vent out some of my frustrations with her. she is not an easy bird to deal with. i love her to pieces, and it makes me worry that she is so bent on laying. i think at this point, all there is for me to do is make sure she has enough calcium, D3 and all the nutrients she needs to keep her healthy and prevent problems, because nothing is stopping this little feather monster lol

she has also mutilated her legs in the past, she chewed the skin off of them, out of frustration at having nothing to shred, so we worry about her starting that again, because its either chewing legs or constantly laying eggs.

she also plucks herself while sitting on the eggs.

seems no way i look at this, i dont ever win with her. she is a determined little birdie genius who for some reason likes to live her life making eggs and its like whyyyy lol i understand its her instinct, but its like her goal in life is to take over the world with baby munches but because she isnt getting any babies from the eggs, its like she just wants to keep trying....

we've even considered asking a breeder for fertile eggs for her to hatch and raise and see if that ended the cycle. she wont get fertile eggs in this home because the only other lovebird we have is her DNA'd male sibling.... so no inbreeding in this home.

photo of the little bugger:

we love her, but she is the most difficult of our flock, the most determined, and the most intelligent lol it's like living with a tiny evil mastermind who wants to take over the world lol

her cage currently:

and the said travel cage, bottom level is hers (of course paper will be removed!) and top level is mango's for when he needs it... we keep them set up for emergency lol summer is coming, we often get tornado watches here...

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She is SO adorable. I am of no help to you though. I think I am experiencing my first season of hormones. And I am not enjoying it.

We think Basil is a "he" but he hasn't been DNA'd. He is a good newspaper shredder (usually when I am reading it, he rarely shreds the paper in his cage) but is a total failure at tucking the shredded paper. Sometimes he will turn to his rump with the paper in his beak and seemingly forget what he was going to do with it. He isn't cage aggressive except to the metal hooks that his toys hang on (and my hands when I handle them) but only when he's outside of his cage. I can stick my hands into his cage and he'll come running to hop onto my arm. So this makes me think that he is a boy.

However, he has been on edge lately, despite the 12 hours that he is covered at night. I have two covers over him but am not sure how much light gets in. He is definitely hearing the outside birdies singing early in the morning. And he has been nippier and more vocal, especially in the morning. I was playing with him the other day with a bell and a broomlike toy from his playgym. We were having fun until he hopped onto the broomy toy and started circling and making a new clucking noise. Uh oh. Away goes the broomy toy. He flew away from me and on to my daughter's head today to pick at her hair. Then he started the circling again. So I shooed him off her. He is most like his "normal self" in the evenings, right before bed. I have been reluctant to have him out as much as I like because he has become more unpredictable and more difficult to return to his cage. I don't know what else to do. He has a goodsized cage and I don't know where I'd put a smaller "sleeping" cage. The laundry room is dark and so is the bathroom but those aren't really nice places to be. I don't think he could sleep in my daughter's room because he peeps in the night sometimes and that would wake her up. How long does this last? Will he grow out of it? He is about 2.
munch just turned 2 in november! lol

mango, our DNA'd male regurgitates and humps things and thats about it. he chews paper, but more he just likes to chew it. he is a bit nippy about his cage, but his nips arent bad.

i find the hormones for us start in october and end around may for us. our tiels are a bit hormonal right now, but they respond well to the long nights treatment and to other hormone controls.

my male lovebird does the "i love you" dance as i call it to his "girlfriend" which is his blue toy ball. however he gets depressed without it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W023aR_bWxo]Mango Doing the "I Love You" Dance to His Ball - YouTube[/ame]
The "I love you dance"...at least I know what to call it now. Good grief.
i dont think so, but i think the hormones have times when they are strong and then times when they are back to normal. at least my birds have those seasons. some individuals i've heard are like that all the time though, but i think the majority just have seasons where they are hormonal
The lovebirds I used to breed will stop breeding and laying eggs after they get through their hormones. Haven't had any issues with them before. Just keep doing what your doing and if she doesn't stop then you have to do something about it like changing her cage completely and have one as a back up cage so you can rotate them.
that IS a solution we can possibly do, but we'd have to have a collapsible cage for back up to put into storage when not in use... but that IS something we haven't tried, and it could possibly work.

i've even considered flipping her cage onto it's side LOL

might try that too. it's just so big though.
well husband says NO to the other cage idea, mostly because we dont have space to put her current cage into storage because it does not collapse or come apart when we switch out the cages.

i would switch her and mango's cage, but mango does not adapt well to cage changes (it took him 6 months to even go down to the bottom of his cage when we first switched him to it) so it would be too stressful on a skittish bird like mango.

with munch, either we will have to flip her current cage on its side, or take it apart back to the normal 19"x19"x27" cage it was originally.

we are putting her in the travel cage for sleeping we decided, and putting her in a dark room for the night.
I have no advice sorry - but I do have to say I'm really not looking forward to this stage! Lol

I have 3 lovebirds in the same cage (2 males, 1 female), and Aussie and Johnny have already 'attempted' the whole mating thing - I'm assuming they're too young to actually achieve anything (5-6 months), since this lasted about a week and now they've stopped. They do get along with Sid alright for the most part, but Aussie does have moments of getting a bit feisty when Sid gets too close.

I have no plans of breeding them, and plan to do the same as you have if/when they lay eggs (boil them). I'm just hoping Aussie isn't as determined as your Munch is!

I've already assumed that I'm going to have to move Sid to a different cage once they're a bit older, but I'm hoping to not have to move Johnny as well...

Anyway, hope Munch gives up soon and gives you a break ;)
Could you not move her cage and empty all contents and don't put some of the toys back in and change it to completely new set of toys and don't put them in the same spot, change them all around and see what happens.


VERY important for you to remove an extra male as they mature as they can be very hateful towards the odd man out.
If she persists in continued laying, speak with your vet about the possibility of Lupron and other hormone therapies such as depo provera.....
Could you not move her cage and empty all contents and don't put some of the toys back in and change it to completely new set of toys and don't put them in the same spot, change them all around and see what happens.


VERY important for you to remove an extra male as they mature as they can be very hateful towards the odd man out.

we've done that already! i've taken out ANYTHING she started seeing as a nest, anything she shredded, i've moved toys around.

we can try to move her cage, but her cage is really awkward. i can see if my husband will help me swap the locations of her cage and mango's cage. but mango's cage is in a corner, which would spell NEST to munch.

we also have cats, so cage must stay high up. so it's up on our dresser, which is the only "stand" that is wide enough to support her cage because her cage is so wide.

shames me even to show this photo, but this is all she had left in her cage when we first tried to deter her before the first clutch. shortly after this photo she chewed the rope net to make a nest!


i REALLY hate empty cages, but it didnt matter, she still laid. she just resorted to stealing her seed hulls for nest material. and her veggies.

i worry as well, because she has mutilating tendencies. she had chewed her leg before in frustration at having nothing to shred! gave her natural branches and she stopped chewing her leg. i worry it will kick up again, but as soon as you give her something she can destroy, she goes instantly into nest mode.

so, dealing with a determined hormonal bird, a mutilator, and even a plucker, because while on eggs, she plucks!

seems one bird shows all 4 of the bird owner's worst nightmares--plucking, mutilating, egg laying, AND bad biting! just my luck lol we tolerate the biting, she has her reasons. birds dont bite for no reason, she's defending her cage. she's entitled to that. if she just plucked i wouldnt mind so much, it's the least of the issue. i could live with a bald bird and still find her adorable. she hasnt mutilated since that problem with her leg, so knock on wood! i'm REALLY hoping the eggs will stop soon. then she will be back to her normal trouble making self. not so bent on being a mom when it aint happening. if mango wasnt her brother, i'd have no problems letting her raise a clutch and get it out of her system.

i think it does stem down to the fact that she does want to raise chicks, but she isnt having any so she just tries and tries and tries again.

i've heard mixed reviews on lupron, and i am highly skeptical of it. a trusted source of mine (friend works in gyenocology--sp?) states it can cause some very unwanted side effects and does not agree with it, and frankly, i have also heard it doesnt work for some hens, and i have very strong doubts it will work in this case either. nothing stops munch when she has her mind on something :/ that would be my last resort. i'd rather try all other options before resorting to it. i know it sounds bad, but i really trust the friend who told me this, and if she recommends not to unless life or death, i will take her word very carefully. she is also a bird owner and has worked as a vet assistant in the past

i honestly feel like i am doing something wrong at this point :(
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Have you tried just subsituting fake eggs for the real ones. I used to do that for a female cockateil. I used wooden ones the same size as hers and would replace each one as she laid it and dispose of the real one when she had enough she thought she would sit on them for a while and that would break the cycle till the next year. I am sure you can now buy on line fake lovebird sized eggs:)
we've used fakes too. she's not fooled, she chucks them out.

today she is using her pellets to make a nest now. taking them out of her bowl, carries them to her chosen corner and is crushing them up and dumping them there.

in the process of getting some plastic mesh to make her a cage grate and we shall be taking her cage apart and putting her back into the original cage :)
Wow she is a tough nut to crack. Good luck:eek::D
She is one persistent little lovebirdie. And SO very cute too. If I was in Ontario, Basil could be her mate!

Good luck with the cage renovations. Did you try the sleeping cage yet?
i didnt put her in the sleeping cage last night, going to today, mostly because it was too late in the day for me to switch her over and she had put herself to bed. so tonight she is going in the sleeping cage, and today i am making her cage adjustments :) will post photos after its all said and done.
gee what a character you have Dally!....I think at this point, if it were me, I'd let her chew anything she wanted. hormones are hormones, and I don't think anything will prevent her from feeling the way she does.clearly she has proven many times over that anything can be used for nesting material. I have to say she is quite ingenious!
when my birds are nesting and are not approachable, I put gloves on, it's the only way I can get my hands in the cage, without them being shredded.

Your situation sounds incredibly frustrating,maybe get her a male??, it's only a suggestion and may not work out.
in the video she is clicking really really fast, is that hormonal or just excitement?, my lovebird Halo does that sometimes, when I'm lying on the bed watching t.v.and comes for some one on one time.
best of luck
the video is our male mango. videos of munch...

she loves to talk to us and she is such an interactive happy bird normally.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CdIKiw13dA]Munch Talking to Me - YouTube[/ame]

she is super smart!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEwro1KjzqI]Munch Foraging - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO5IcWS0kVU]I Am Concerned For My Eyes - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiTKEm-qRyo]Munch Goddess of Wrath - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEwUjHar1vo]Munch Vs Yellow Toy - YouTube[/ame]

ironically, when she is actually on eggs, she's much more affectionate!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZD0HqFI2NE]A Gentle Moment - YouTube[/ame]

you can see why we love her so much. she's just so jam-packed full of personality and she is just the perfect fit in our flock. i worry about her because she is so stubborn and determined. we have several pets, not just birds, and i will tell you that this little 6" bird is the most expensive, most difficult, and the most challenging pet i've ever owned. i would not ever trade her for the world. we got her and her brother at a young age from a not so nice home and it took us almost 2 years to build this trust with her. i cant imagine life without her, despite all the headaches she can throw at us.

trust me, we've considered the option of a mate for her, but i dont trust her as far as i can throw her with other birds. she has broke both my cockatiels toes (which is why the tiels live in the livingroom and miss munch in the bedroom!), she has tried to kill her brother over a bowl of veggies, she is extremely bird aggressive. she grew up with mango, always grooms him, he grooms her, they play together outside of the cage, they cuddle together... act every way like a bonded couple... until mango has something munch wants. then she goes for the kill and beats the heck out of him. we decided it is not worth the risk. that, and we cannot house any more pets, we are at our financial limit, space limit, and time limit :)

my husband works midnights, so i am letting him sleep before making a racket fixing up munch's cage :) once he wakes up later i plan on doing her cage.

unfortunately, she is looking like she has an egg butt.

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