Mr. Poopy Drake


New member
Jan 29, 2012
Cleveland, OH
Alice: 1+ (almost 2) y/o pineapple GCC || Drake: 1+ y/o black capped conure
So, I understand birds poop. A lot. This is totally fine. Alice I figured was a normal pooper. Everything fine there.

However, Drake seems to poop...a lot. And it's almost like he constantly tries to poop, especially if you're holding him (like on purpose). He does it so often when you're holding him, it's just mostly liquid. He's gotten so good at it, he doesn't even just comes out.

I noticed that cage became INSANELY messy when we got him. He eats like he's never going to eat again (they don't fight over food at all) and the cage is caked with poop within a few days. I've posted about him previously, that he's just kind of an oddball to begin with.

What does anyone think of this?
Well, Rowdy is my messiest pooper, that's for sure. She poops on the bars, shoots it through the bars, and just plain poops more than the bigger birds. But, little birds do poop more often. However it isn't very liquidy.

Is Drake eating a lot of fruit that is liquidy like grapes? That could explain it. If so, you might want to cut down on that kind of fruit.

If not, this could be diarrhea. A vet check might be in order if he hasn't had one recently. It's especially concerning that he seems to not know in time that it's coming.
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No, I actually rarely give them grapes. He makes normal poops, it just seems like he pumps out every little bit that's in his intestines. Ever. lol Especially while you hold him. I do need to take him to the vet, I think.
I would definitely take him to the vet to rule out any possible medical issues.
Do you think you could have accidentally taught him to think you like poop? Maybe you said "poop" in an excited way once? Or like me, tried to potty train him and things didn't go quite right? Rowdy will poop for me on purpose thinking I like it, and so she's trying to please me.

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