Moving on without Safari....


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
well, it's been quite the emotional roller coaster since Safari has died.
It's only been 4 days since I found out, and for the most part I've been not too bad.

What angered me more than anything was HOW he died, I still can't wrap my brain around a 'piece of metal' being in his gut with no obvious signs.

Monday Evan is giving me the piece that Safari ate....and I am dreading it so very very much. But I need to see it, so I know for certain where it came from.

I now fully comprehend how incredibly strong their beaks really are.

their beaks are like wire cutters... and are destructive in ways I never imagined.

I had Safari almost 1 year, and he died way to early in life.

It's time to move on, and focus on other things.

I have downsized my birds since Safaris' death, giving away 12 birds to a repeat customer of mine. needless to say she was very very happy.

goodbye my dear sweet Safari, you are dearly missed and will never be forgotten

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I'm so sorry to hear about Safari's passing...when a puppy of mine died at 7 months old from eating a rock, I was so angry when I got the rock back that killed her. They dispose her collars and all, that really upset me. I had nothing of bers, I happen to be out of town for my sister's wedding and she was under a friend's care that did not follow my directions about which vet to go to if something does happen to her. They took her to a different vet that disposed of everything without my consent and all I got was a dumb rock that killed her but it is all I have of her. And I kept the darn rock til this very day....
Beautiful pics Beth. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. Are you downsizing because of your recent losses?
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Beautiful pics Beth. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. Are you downsizing because of your recent losses?

pretty much, I re-homed all of my budgies, english budgies, and finches, I have one remaining pair that are on eggs, a beautiful pair of cordon blue finches.
I'm sorry Beth. You've had a dreadful run of bad luck lately and I hope you don't let it get you down. You deserve far better and we're all hoping it'll be plain sailing for you from now on. Be kind to yourself, my friend, and give yourself a bit of space to recover in. The sun *will* rise again! XX
I'm so sorry to hear of your downsizing... are you sure it's not a rash decision caught up in grief?

I feel so awful about the passing of Safari... I hope you get the answers youre looking for. He sounded such a sweet bird. So awful :( *hugs*
My heart goes out to you I'm so sorry to hear this. What a stunning beautiful bird and what a tragedy :(
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Even Puff??? :(

Even Puff.....that was hard for me , but he was fine, and it was time to let him go...I need space from some of my birds, and I'm sure you understand.
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I'm so sorry to hear of your downsizing... are you sure it's not a rash decision caught up in grief?

I feel so awful about the passing of Safari... I hope you get the answers youre looking for. He sounded such a sweet bird. So awful :( *hugs*

No this was not a rash decision, it may appear that way but I assure you it isn't.

I have been contemplating it for quite some time, and with Safaris' death, it really really hit home for me.
with less birds here, I can focus more on my parrots, rather than being 'too divided'...they've gone to a great home with no regrets....
Even Puff??? :(

Even Puff.....that was hard for me , but he was fine, and it was time to let him go...I need space from some of my birds, and I'm sure you understand.

I completely understand. It was Safari's passing that made the decision for you. I know its tough but I also know your strong enough to go through it. Anyone who can take in sick birds and deal with health issue one after another, your a super strong gal!!!!!
I am so sorry for Safaris lost. I can understand you downsizing your birds to be able to focus on a parrot. Us humans can also understand that grief can make us do certain decisions. I was pretty upset when I came home to a AC unit blowing hot air (making the house very hot) and seeing my dead little Clover. I thought through my mind if only I was at home and not at work this could had been stopped. I couldn't sleep even though I worked all night. Luckily, I had the dog penned up in the garage so he was okay. My mother advised me to not to rashly go out and sell her cage. She told me tom focus on my dog and to get ready to focus on Captain Jack (when he gets to come to my home). I buried Clover and cleaned and disinfect her perches, dishes, cage and toys (all this help me with my grief). I still have her things to remember her by. I am still debating on selling her cage but I know will not be a decisions out of impulse. I am sure when the time is right that there is a parrot out their that can fill love in your home. They may not be like Safari but no doubt the right parrot will fill your heart with love and you will love them for their individuality.
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Crimson I'm so glad you are adjusting. I do know that not all pets are equal. I have definitely been closer to some than others, that a special bond develops there. When my PF lovebird died earlier this year I was actually surprised how much a part of my life he was and how much I cared for him. Although I now have 4 birds, I still miss that lil fella. It's that way with our dogs too, although I love them all, I get more attached to some than to others.

Abigal, your story about Clover is so sad. I've never heard of an a/c unit breaking and spitting out hot air, what an unexpected tragedy that must of been. I still have my PF lovebird's stuff too, and haven't reused any of it. I buried him in his beloved Happy Hut, he LOVED that thing. He used to sleep in there and sometimes would be half in hanging precariously down like he was going to fall, but he never did.
I fully understand how you feel. Much like yourself, having many birds at one time seemed to increase the problems and deaths. More of anything increases the incidents of problems. It's only mathematics. I, too, have downsized my rescue operation, and things are less hectic and traumatic. Each of us can only do so much, and take only so much heartache. Don't beat yourself up over this metal issue, accidents happen, and there was nothing you could do, either before or after. You (& we) know you are an excellent and caring bird guardian. My heart goes out to you, followed by prayers and good wishes.
I do know that not all pets are equal.
Yes, it sounds horrible, but some are really "special". When I lost my first cat, I got 2 and then another. It doesn't make it any easier when you've got others, but it isn't such a huge gap when somebody's time comes. I used to keep bettas (fish) but I retired my tanks when they had their time, I'm too sensitive to have pets that don't live for a long time and are each "special". Now I've just got mostly "anonymous" fish, so I don't really "know them personally" if/when they die.

I'm a bit worried about my galah. She is really special, I'd just hate it if she died or gets sick. I hope she gets her full lifespan and I cark it before she does. It is so upsetting when there's an accident. You do all the "what ifs" and "if onlys", but it doesn't get you anywhere.

The only thing you can know is that that bird had a terrific home for the time she had, and that's down to you.
Well Strudel that's true, we just have to do the best we can. I've had dogs all my life, and you know when 11 or 12 or more is here that there's not going to be much more time there (although my black Pug Bacchus lived til 17!). I've heard a lot of people say that after this they won't get another dog/cat/etc because of the pain caused by their passing. But hey, if you've done the best you can (who can ask for more?) and any species, including us, only has a certain amount of time for what that particular species, then you just have to celebrate the life, and not focus on the death so much. Although I did read about this lady that sent her dog's DNA to a Korean scientist who cloned it lol
I've just lost my "special princess" dog. I was thinking that I wouldn't get another, but she's already moved in......

All of my cats are getting on, now, they'll all be shuffling off this mortal coil in a few more years (hopefully). I knew my girl was going to go, but it's still sort of a shock when it happens. I think it's worse when you lose them "before their time" than when they've "had their full innings", although it's still hard any way and you miss them.

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