More Chipper videos


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Oct 14, 2012
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My first bird was a parakeet named Buddy (passed away November 8, 2012). My newest friend is a parakeet named Chipper.
I have a couple more recent videos of Chipper. Sorry, the video quality isn't too great...there really wasn't enough light in the room. I tried to edit the video and adjust the brightness, so hopefully it's not too dark.

Even though Chipper gets an attitude sometimes, he is really friendly. He jumped in my lap :)

[ame=""]Tame parakeet jumps in my lap - YouTube[/ame]

And he is so tame that he will calmly sit on my hand and preen his feathers :)

[ame=""]Parakeet preening - YouTube[/ame]
Chipper is so small and cute
What a busy little boy
Love the way he takes time to stare at the camera
Thanks for sharing

Chipper still looks like a little girl to me! At least, from the last videos posted!

Either way, that's one gorgeous and sweet little budgie!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Chipper is a girl now too. It looks like (his, her?) cere is changing to a tan color. I just still say "he" out of habit! It's going to be hard to change!
Shes adorable ! Will you keep the name, or turn it into something more girly ?
No, I picked the name "Chipper" because I figured it was gender neutral, and it also suited her (?!) personality. She's also used to the name now, and so am I.

I'll be honest that I'm a bit shocked now that Chipper is looking more and more like a girl...only because I had always heard that males were more friendly, and because I was really worried about egg binding if Chipper turned out to be a female. Otherwise, I didn't really care what gender it was. I just wanted a friendly, happy, healthy bird.

I've had Chipper for 6 months now, and I'm so used to saying "he"'s going to take me a while to get used to a change!
I had a conure for around 8 years and always considered that bird to be a female! I didn't care one way or the other, either, but I found out that "she" was really a male! I still catch myself saying her and she when talking about him!

I once had a yellow budgie (dilute yellow bird of some type, I believe) that was female and she was the *friendliest* girl I had! Males are typically friendlier, but she was definitely sweet! I also had a male that was pretty "crabby".

Chipper is adorable though, and I love her curiosity!!!
Yeah, if Chipper is a girl then she is contradicting a lot of the things I was told about female birds. She is very friendly and affectionate, and is very vocal...she chirps a lot and makes all kinds of whistling and chattering sounds. Especially when I have my tv on! She does have an attitude sometimes though, and can be a little obnoxious!

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