More aggressive biting...


New member
May 19, 2014
Limerick, Ireland
Green Cheeked Conure called JellyBean
Not quite sure what to do here.. JellyBean is two and more recently he has started more aggressive biting behaviour. But, to me it is more like when he thinks I am in danger - for instance he hates tinfoil, so when I got it out last night whilst I was cooking he flew to my hand and bit hard! I didn't react, but put him in his cage for time-out. This is happening a bit more frequently, appears to be finding more things that could be potentially "Danger". Everything about his routine, he food, his cuddles is exactly the same - also he seems to do this with me rather than my partner!

I genuinely feel he is not being "bold" so to speak but need some way to let him know that I am okay!!! He doesn't need to bite me.. I also find that this happens more frequently where he spends most of his day - so it could be territorial behaviour.

Any tips on how I can stop this. Most of the time he is just fine, but would like to nip this at the bud so to speak!

He spends a lot of time out of his cage - most of the day in fact. Maybe more cage time? Thoughts?
Boomer does that same kind of biting when I handle things he perceives to be a threat (CDs, watering can, aviator harness, etc). He had a bad spell of hormonal aggression sometime in July. Kalidasa (regular at this forum) adviced me to give him mini time outs where I'd put him back in his cage but not lock it. If the brefaviour continues, it's a cage lock in till he calms down. Consistency is the most important thing.

It worked for me. What also works is redirecting his aggression by doing something else (like flight recall training in my case). Most importantly, it's being able to recognize when he is in that mood. I call it hormonal frenzy where his whole demeanor just changes. Eyes are wild looking, hyper, vocal, etc. It still happens from time to time, but I feel better knowing that I've got a recourse or a solution to fall back on.

Last but not the least, as I'm sure you know, do your best not to take it personally and get swept up in the stress of the moment. Good luck, you can do this! :)
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Yes!, that is exactly what it feels like!! Just sporadic... mostly he is the sweetest thing!.. I never get cross at him, poor little mite, but will try as you say mini-time outs coupled with some focussed training..

Sometimes, (although I am not telling him this!) it is so cute - seeing him all in a ball of green and blue feathers - all cross and so small!!

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