Monitor Care & Natural History; Zoo & Pet Experiences


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Hi All,
[FONT=&quot]Iā€™ve had the good fortune of caring for 15-20 monitor species during my zoo career. From the diminutive Storrā€™s to the massive Water, Lace, Crocodile and Komodo Monitors, all have instilled in me the feeling that they were, somehow, ā€œmore complicatedā€ than other reptiles. Indeed, recent studies have confirmed that they are, among lizards, highly advanced. While some are too large for the average household, several moderately-sized and even dwarf varieties are being bred by hobbyists, and all make fascinating and responsive captives.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The following information can be applied to the care of Savannah, Black Tree, Nile, Mertenā€™s and most other monitors. [/FONT]
Read article here Monitor Lizard Care, Natural History and Behavior - An Overview That Reptile Blog
Please also check out my posts on Twitter

Thanks, Frank
My Bio, with photos of animals Iā€™ve been lucky enough to work with That Pet Place welcomes Zoologist/Herpetologist Frank Indiviglio to That Reptile Blog | That Reptile Blog That Reptile Blog
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Amazing, inspiring, TOTALLY COOL life you have there Mr. Indiviglio!!! I am quite literally drooling all over my desk. You have lived and are living my dream life. Though I thinned my reptiles out a few years ago due to college, I am still head-over-heels in love with the idea of breeding Blue Tongue Skinks, Pink Tongue Skinks, and Chinese Box Turtles one day. I would love to experience your world just for a day. I am envious in a way you can not imagine. Also, your son is the cutest little guy on the face of the planet!!


Someone who studied history and English

This is my Wardo:


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Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated! The little guy is my nephew, but I've cared for him 1-2 days per week since birth, so we are very close.

Let me know if you ever need career info...lots changing these days, but perhaps you can avoid some of the mistakes I've made. Good that you are in college, needed for virtually every animal related career.

Good luck with your breeding plans, please keep me posted and feel free to check in on the blog with posts when you have a chance, or send me a note here, Best, Frank

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